Year: 1998 Model: BMW M3 (e36) Color: Black Transmission: 5 MT
Interior seat/trim color: Tan
Package Options: Premium and Sport.
Exterior Modifications
Upgraded wheels to CSL Replicas, swapped out some light assemblies as well as more modern headlight bulb technology to give the appearance that the vehicle was contemporary to the the time I owned it.
Interior Modifications
Swapped OEM tape deck for a simple orange-illuminated Alpine stereo deck
Performance Modifications
Wheels/Tires: 18" CSL Replicas
Suspension: Stock
Engine/Drivetrain Modifications:
S52 (ah fun, the US variant of the S50 motor from European M3s that was awesome of course, but thats slightly disappointing how crippled it was compared to the Nurburgring beast of the S50...oh yea, no modifications.