
BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum > darren0311 > Conversation Between darren0311 and mrzed1962

Conversation Between darren0311 and mrzed1962
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. mrzed1962
    03-01-2014 05:00 AM
    hi darren,
    I saw your picture on mounting Eonon d5165, I bought the same station you to mount it in my bmw 318d.
    I will like to know if there was a special hook executed.
    For example, I see 3 cables (sw1, sw2, dab), they must be connected?
    I do not know more or connects the antenna amplifier, can you inform me?
    I also would like to know if the memory backup radio stations is already included in the decision-bmw, or if I should get a positive current on a cable?
    thank you to you and congratulates you for your mounting your d5165

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