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Sedan_Clan 10-18-2019 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by david in germany (Post 25362729)

Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan (Post 25362653)
It depends on your interpretation of the Thin Blue Line flag. Some view it as an, "us vs. them ", message, with the "them" aspect of the message referring to the general public OR the criminals. Others view the flag as meaning law enforcement is the line between chaos/anarchy and relative peace. I personally view it as a bit of both. There's no denying that I have a target on my back whenever I wear my uniform; this year alone I've lost two personal friends. There's also no denying that without police (...and the fear of jail/prison time ), some people would act on their less socially acceptable [and illegal] desires.

As for the topic of city ordinances/municipal codes, that's a can of worms for sure. Knowing them, however, makes me more effective at policing the city that I'm assigned to.

I would never wish harm on any Leo, I just have a problem with the defacing of the flag it's self. If you still see the flag as a US Flag but with a line on it than in accordance with the US Flag Code it is a violation. If you see it as a totally different flag than the US flag, don't wear it on duty.

I suppose you're entitled to that view of it. To deface has a negative, damaging element to it. I look at the TBL/RL flags as more of a redesign or an alternative interpretation; I love the American flag and I am a patriot through and through. Do you talk to the firemen when they display their Red Line flags?

david in germany 10-18-2019 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan (Post 25362741)
I suppose you're entitled to that view of it. To deface has a negative, damaging element to it. I look at the TBL/RL flags as more of a redesign or an alternative interpretation; I love the American flag and I am a patriot through and through. Do you talk to the firemen when they display their Red Line flags?

I have never seen the red line flags, I would be against them as well if worn during duty. I took my first oath as a 17 year old kid on March 13 1989 I will never break that oath and although you have the 1st amendment right to freedoms such as wearing those flags, I don’t have to like it. I will be angry, tell you why, show you the US Flag code and hope that you see the light. I would also defend your right To wear it, I just don’t have to like it. :confused2

Sedan_Clan 10-19-2019 12:24 AM

Denzel Washington and Rami Malek are filming "Little Things" - a crime/police drama - outside of one of our jail facilities today/tonight. It's cool to see some of the retro police cars parked outside.

premier3is 10-19-2019 01:31 AM

I thought OP was from Brazil lol... didn't know you're in California? If you see a white G20 (not many around), leave me alone haha.

Sedan_Clan 10-19-2019 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by premier3is (Post 25363847)
I thought OP was from Brazil lol... didn't know you're in California? If you see a white G20 (not many around), leave me alone haha.

Haha! I just have a strong connection to Brazil for a multitude of reasons, but I'm an American. Born and raised in So.Cal. :)

premier3is 10-19-2019 01:45 AM


Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan (Post 25363858)

Originally Posted by premier3is (Post 25363847)
I thought OP was from Brazil lol... didn't know you're in California? If you see a white G20 (not many around), leave me alone haha.

Haha! I just have a strong connection to Brazil for a multitude of reasons, but I'm an American. Born and raised in So.Cal. :)

here's a question. How often are DUI calls addressed immediately and how often are they caught? I've called in many times to report a DUI on the freeway but never found out the outcomes.

Sedan_Clan 10-19-2019 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by premier3is (Post 25363863)
here's a question. How often are DUI calls addressed immediately and how often are they caught? I've called in many times to report a DUI on the freeway but never found out the outcomes.

Here's how it works much of the time with the California Highway Patrol if there's an officer in the vicinity of where you're at. When somebody calls in a potential DUI on the freeway, for example, the caller's info is then forwarded to officers in the area. A call is placed by the officer to the informant. The officer (...who is usually waiting at an off-ramp or on-ramp, or en route to the general location of the possible offender) is given information about the possible DUI (..e.g...make/model/color of car, direction of travel, location, etc.) by the informant. The officer will usually intercept or attempt to intercept the possible offender and ascertain further.

Maynard 10-19-2019 09:57 AM

If you can sit in the berm around a corner waiting to catch speeders, why can't (don't) they let you sit outside a bar and grab the people obviously sloshing into their cars? Is this all just pressure from the businesses? Not saying stop everybody who comes out, but there are often people exhibiting clear signs of impairment just trying to get into their cars or out of the lot.

And BTW, great thread!

Gesler 10-19-2019 10:49 AM

In SoCal, people drive slow all the time on the left most lanes. Others end up passing on the right, sometimes going 2-3 lanes to the right. This is very risky. All it takes is one slow vehicle going at 65 on the left most lane and there are 20-30 vehicles clustered behind and beside it, with an empty stretch of road in front.

Why is there not more education or publicity on driving on the right lanes and allowing faster drivers to pass on the left most lane?

Sedan_Clan 10-19-2019 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Maynard (Post 25364499)
If you can sit in the berm around a corner waiting to catch speeders, why can't (don't) they let you sit outside a bar and grab the people obviously sloshing into their cars? Is this all just pressure from the businesses? Not saying stop everybody who comes out, but there are often people exhibiting clear signs of impairment just trying to get into their cars or out of the lot.

And BTW, great thread!

This occurs more often than you realize. The law enforcement agency that provides service(s) in my city regularly makes DUI arrests at the local hangouts. It got so bad for the business that Toby Keith's lost their liquor license and closed down; a new business called Punchbowl Social opened up in its place. In downtown Fullerton the P.D. regularly makes DUI arrests as well. They sit back and observe patrons who are 647(f) - the California penal code for "Public Intoxication" - and either make contact while the individual(s) is/are on public streets or the officers/deputies wait for them to enter a vehicle and promptly arrest them for DUI even if they haven't driven off yet. Entering a vehicle intoxicated shows intent and is a violation of that particular vehicle code. Unfortunately every department is understaffed, so there simply isn't enough manpower to perform directed enforcement at every business that sells liquor. Another factor is avoidance. The CHP loves to make DUI arrests and vehicle theft arrests; local police/sheriff's departments don't. In many cases my department will have CHP handle all DUI's/crashes, and our units will handle all crime calls. Many officers/deputies just don't like to spend their time with DUI's.

Thanks BTW! This thread turned out exactly how I intended. I wanted this thread to be informative and productive, so I appreciate those who have participated. I also appreciate the civility of the discussions. :thumbsup:


Originally Posted by Gesler (Post 25364658)
In SoCal, people drive slow all the time on the left most lanes. Others end up passing on the right, sometimes going 2-3 lanes to the right. This is very risky. All it takes is one slow vehicle going at 65 on the left most lane and there are 20-30 vehicles clustered behind and beside it, with an empty stretch of road in front.

Why is there not more education or publicity on driving on the right lanes and allowing faster drivers to pass on the left most lane?

I agree 100%. We often pull people over for driving too slow for conditions even if they are driving the posted limit. It is very dangerous.

The question that you've posed is a very good one. I wish we educated more, but we don't, and I don't know the reason why. I think that's a systematic and somewhat cultural issue we have here in the states. Most people get it, but many others fail to employ such basic driving behavior. Add to that the huge number of illegal residents (...who weren't educated on the driving habits of this country) also behind the wheel on our streets and freeways, and therein creates the perfect storm for accidents to occur.

kscarrol 10-19-2019 05:13 PM

@Sedan_Clan Maybe you can arrange this for you/your department!!

Sedan_Clan 10-19-2019 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by kscarrol (Post 25365691)
@Sedan_Clan Maybe you can arrange this for you/your department!!

I wish!!! Lol! Allied agencies do, however, use cool cars acquired from drug busts, etc. to nab street racers and for other cool stuff. ;) The CHP used to use 5.0 Mustangs and Camaro's for highway duty.

aajjcc 10-20-2019 12:53 AM

curious to know how you handle road ragers when you're off duty

Sedan_Clan 10-20-2019 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by aajjcc (Post 25366508)
curious to know how you handle road ragers when you're off duty

Well, as much as I would like to take police action, I just shake my head, laugh OR keep an eye on them should they crash or cause an accident. At that point I'll be a good witness and tell the responding authorities exactly what occurred (...and what the primary collision factors were).

Off duty my objective is just to be a regular dude rather than a cop......barring a valid emergency exception.

Rmtt 10-20-2019 04:35 AM


Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan (Post 25366512)
Well, as much as I would like to take police action, I just shake my head, laugh OR keep an eye on them should they crash or cause an accident. At that point I'll be a good witness and tell the responding authorities exactly what occurred (...and what the primary collision factors were).

Off duty my objective is just to be a regular dude rather than a cop......barring a valid emergency exception.

My brother while off duty has had to break up altercations before they escalated. He's even had road rage directed at him sitting at intersections.

But he doesn't want to get involved if he can avoid it as he's just trying to make it home.

Most lose their "rage" when they see him get out with a badge and gun. Their entire demeanor changes. Now he isn't trying to be some type of bad ass.....but just his appearance will calm down most people involved.

He says at that point he tries to diffuse the situation....although he has had a few that keep the defiant attitude and seem like they want to instigate something with him.

With those he says he just calls someone on duty and they can deal with it as he's put his time in already that day, and if you tried to "police" would never be able to get home.

Sedan_Clan 10-20-2019 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by Rmtt (Post 25366687)

Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan (Post 25366512)
Well, as much as I would like to take police action, I just shake my head, laugh OR keep an eye on them should they crash or cause an accident. At that point I'll be a good witness and tell the responding authorities exactly what occurred (...and what the primary collision factors were).

Off duty my objective is just to be a regular dude rather than a cop......barring a valid emergency exception.

My brother while off duty has had to break up altercations before they escalated. He's even had road rage directed at him sitting at intersections.

But he doesn't want to get involved if he can avoid it as he's just trying to make it home.

Most lose their "rage" when they see him get out with a badge and gun. Their entire demeanor changes. Now he isn't trying to be some type of bad ass.....but just his appearance will calm down most people involved.

He says at that point he tries to diffuse the situation....although he has had a few that keep the defiant attitude and seem like they want to instigate something with him.

With those he says he just calls someone on duty and they can deal with it as he's put his time in already that day, and if you tried to "police" would never be able to get home.

I agree with his sentiment. Trying to police everything will affect your personal life. My current department discourages intervening in anything that doesn't involve somebody who is with me (....or isn't something flagrant like somebody brandishing a firearm, etc.). In other words, even if I witness a DV situation, a battery, etc., I am basically instructed to just be a good witness. The reasoning: litigation! People love to sue even when you act in good faith, and the department wants to limit sworn personnel getting caught up in civil lawsuits. The only exemption for law enforcement when it comes to "good faith" actions is when it revolves around using CPR/defibrillators/etc. to save a life (...1799.102 of the Health and Safety Code), and the good faith action is limited only to what the department teaches. So if I were a paramedic prior to becoming a cop, for example, I would not be authorized to use any of the knowledge gained from my experience as a paramedic [and still be protected]. Only that which the department teaches in CPR class.

GenXer 10-21-2019 03:35 AM


Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan (Post 25348341)
Not Code 3, but what we like to call Code 2.5. That's where you see us pull up to a traffic signal at an intersection, stop traffic using the squelch/siren and flash the lights briefly, and roll through the intersection.

I have seen that! Do you realize I'm going to laugh when this happens again?

Sedan_Clan 10-21-2019 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by GenXer (Post 25369227)

Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan (Post 25348341)
Not Code 3, but what we like to call Code 2.5. That's where you see us pull up to a traffic signal at an intersection, stop traffic using the squelch/siren and flash the lights briefly, and roll through the intersection.

I have seen that! Do you realize I'm going to laugh when this happens again?

Lol! Awesome!!! Mission accomplished.

OF Hero 10-21-2019 08:26 PM

As a physician, if you're called in to work for a medical emergency and get flagged for speeding, what's the best course of action (after pulling over, of course)?

Sedan_Clan 10-21-2019 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by OF Hero (Post 25372305)
As a physician, if you're called in to work for a medical emergency and get flagged for speeding, what's the best course of action (after pulling over, of course)?

We actually tend to give doctors/nurses a pass a lot of the time, especially if you're in scrubs with your credentials present. Just inform the officer/deputy/highway patrolman that you were called in to deal with a medical situation. The likelihood that you will be sent on your way is high. In many ways we see doctors/nurses as our lifelines when shit hits the fan and we need emergency medical care (...traffic collisions, gun shot and/or knife wounds, etc.). We don't want to jam you up if we don't have to.

UncleWede 10-22-2019 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan (Post 25372319)
We actually tend to give doctors/nurses a pass a lot of the time, especially if you're in scrubs with your credentials present. Just inform the officer/deputy/highway patrolman that you were called in to deal with a medical situation. The likelihood that you will be sent on your way is high. In many ways we see doctors/nurses as our lifelines when shit hits the fan and we need emergency medical care (...traffic collisions, gun shot and/or knife wounds, etc.). We don't want to jam you up if we don't have to.

If I show you municipal government ID, offer a story that the CAD/RMS server is down, would you call the agency and confirm?

Asking for a co-worker :cool:

Sedan_Clan 10-22-2019 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by UncleWede (Post 25374292)

Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan (Post 25372319)
We actually tend to give doctors/nurses a pass a lot of the time, especially if you're in scrubs with your credentials present. Just inform the officer/deputy/highway patrolman that you were called in to deal with a medical situation. The likelihood that you will be sent on your way is high. In many ways we see doctors/nurses as our lifelines when shit hits the fan and we need emergency medical care (...traffic collisions, gun shot and/or knife wounds, etc.). We don't want to jam you up if we don't have to.

If I show you municipal government ID, offer a story that the CAD/RMS server is down, would you call the agency and confirm?

Asking for a co-worker :cool:

Hahaha! Unlikely, but possible. I remember a time when a co-worker of mine checked a local hospital to see if a doctor he let go for speeding actually responded to a medical emergency. He found out that the doctor was off work; that doctor was issued a speeding ticket.

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