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BMdblU 06-02-2012 08:12 PM

This is what happens to BBS LM's when...
3 Attachment(s)
A reckless driver intentionally makes contact with your two month new 335is.. I won't go into details of the collision as the driver was fined. Insurance will deal with this, thankfully I'm okay and not at fault.

Just wanted to share these shots as I couldn't believe the damage to the wheel. Cars were almost parralel to each other and speed was about 50-60km/h. I am meeting my ajuster Monday and hopefully this is sorted out as soon as possible.

On a happy note, I have been on the stock 19's the last 2 days and just got my ER FMIC installed today running cobb stg2+ with 94 oct. The car just hauls! :party0030:

triggz 06-02-2012 08:15 PM

Omg that's terrible...poor guy

#Tee 06-02-2012 08:18 PM

time to rebarrel it lol

jim.e. 06-02-2012 09:05 PM

That sucks! It hasn't even been two months since I saw you and you just mentioned getting all the rubbing issues sorted out

drevil2k2 06-02-2012 09:17 PM

Ouch, I feel your pain and your car's. At least no one was seriously hurt.
Good luck with the adjuster/appraiser.:fighting0072:

johnniewalker 06-02-2012 09:26 PM

OMG, How was that possible?
Glad that you are ok bro.

///M3NACE 06-02-2012 09:29 PM

I can only imagine what it would loo like if it was reps....

Zebra99 06-02-2012 10:47 PM

Make sure they don't see any mods dude...just a heads up.

Trust me

E92LNGCGY 06-02-2012 10:58 PM

That really sucks. At least insurance is taking care of it. Good thing you are ok. Take care and stay safe.

adriang 06-02-2012 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by Zebra99
Make sure they don't see any mods dude...just a heads up.

Trust me

I would trust you, you're the insurance man lol

Asclepius 06-03-2012 12:30 AM

WTF?! Sorry to hear Dave...glad you are alright

M3Newbie88 06-03-2012 01:43 PM

Ouch that hurts.. are they reps or legit Lms? Cuz I think you have to report to insurance ahead of time that you have $$$$ rims or they won't cover it.. well at least not for the value the LMs cost.

jim.e. 06-03-2012 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by 1LazyBmw (Post 12085985)
Ouch that hurts.. are they reps or legit Lms? Cuz I think you have to report to insurance ahead of time that you have $$$$ rims or they won't cover it.. well at least not for the value the LMs cost.

those are legit BBS LM's he just got a few months back

BMWRich 06-03-2012 10:46 PM

i know how you feel. it happened to me not too long ago. thankfully it was very minor. i don't know about you but i was really upset being that the car is practically brand new. It hurts even more. good luck with insurance hope things work out.

icandie 06-04-2012 06:56 AM

omg, that's awful! i would be sooo pissed. hopefully it all gets taken care of as quickly and painlessly as possible.

boymonkey 06-04-2012 09:09 AM

Probably got hit by the other car's wheels? How do LMs hold up to potholes?

Kriston 06-04-2012 09:12 AM

This is a testament to what Authentic wheels do when they go thru impact like yours.

Thankfully you had real wheels, the fakes would have definately cracked or possibly worse. your wheels are done, but they held structural integrity without cracking severely.This was key to your safety, if you notice the inset did not take any damage. Just the barrels.

Well done BBS......

homieG 06-04-2012 09:44 AM

damn! glad you are ok!

alexhjs 06-04-2012 07:22 PM

damn dave.. hope you're okay.. sweet sets of wheels but i hope it works out man.. THE OG BBQ needs to happen so that we can meet up soon.. LOL same sapphire black!

Andy M 06-04-2012 07:41 PM

Wow that really sucks. Glad you're ok!

NiVeDh 06-04-2012 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by StretchNpoke (Post 12083054)
time to rebarrel it lol


BMdblU 06-04-2012 10:35 PM

Thanks for the words everyone

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