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      10-06-2011, 05:21 AM   #145
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Originally Posted by JIO View Post
I bought one of the first Apple Lisa's in 1983, the Mac's big sister. I paid $6K for the system including a dot-matrix printer and a mouse controlled computer with 1 Mb RAM and a 5 Mb HD. I still have the computer and it still works. So slow now. I bought 3 more later on after they were discontinued for $300 that I use for parts, but in almost 30 years I've only had to change out one of the RAM memory boards.
I still have a functioning Apple Macintosh SE circa 1987, with a whopping 2MB of RAM and an external HD of 20MB, all for $3500 (including $700 for the HD) back in the day.

It was either buying this computer or a Kawasaki Ninja motorcycle.

Go figure.

RIP Steve Jobs.
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