I think I have this figured out. I have a 2006 BMW 325i sedan with the in dash navigation system. In order to successfully backup the 2011 east and west maps dvds which have been discussed in this forum, you must use a dual layer DVD. In my case, I used a Memorex DVD+R DL and it finally worked in my car. I've tried using all sorts of single layer DVDs with no luck. Even though the images easily fit onto a single layer disc the nav system seems to require DL discs. This may not be so for all cars, but it is for mine. I'm also willing to bet that this may get discs working on other nav/car models as well. Hope this helps. I'd be interested in knowing if it worked for others.
Anyway, I used imgburn to burn the image and two prompts appear when using a dual layer disc after clicking burn. For the first prompt click yes, click no for the second prompt. Basically this tells imgburn to go ahead and burn on a DL disc even though the image fits on a single layer disc. It also tells imgburn to spread the image over both layers of the DL disc even though it fits on one layer.
If you need help with this PM me.
Last edited by hirens85; 10-12-2011 at 09:18 AM..