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      06-01-2012, 06:53 AM   #2
Chriztofor's Avatar

Drives: '06 325i and '13 X5
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Chicago Burbs

iTrader: (1)

Originally Posted by lauren5757
Hi, I have an ignition coil that has died. Car is running rough. I had the codes pulled today and #5 has failed. Last year the same thing happened with #3 - luckily I was able to weasel the work and parts out of the dealer for free.

Not gonna happen this time though. I had planned on doing it myself but just having an independent shop do it instead (a reputable one).

Is it standard to replace all of the coils at the same time as maintenance? I'm having them replace all the spark plugs already so does it behoove me to just have all the coils replaced too?

I would just replace the coil that is bad.
If no codes are being thrown use Chevron Techron fuel injector cleaner (concentrate). It solves rpm fluctuating upon cold start-up. Also, for most BMW problems start off by scanning your car with the Peake Research Tool. It contains the actual BMW codes. If you want to register a newly installed battery for free (just buy a $10 cable) and google/download BMWLogger
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