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      01-01-2013, 07:33 AM   #13
07lilredwagon's Avatar

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Originally Posted by Priority 1 View Post
Ok so now that we have more information...make sure that the tread depth on those USED tires are identical. If they are substantially different, say 2 or more 32nds of an inch, then you could get into a problem with excessively wearing your transfer case.

If they have the same tread depth then you are good to go. I actually have the same issue right now in that i need to replace my LM-25 blizzaks that i got in 225/255 stock staggered sizes. They don't make those sizes anymore so I'm trying to warm up to the idea of the same tire on all wheels. I just like the look of the 255 winters in the back!
Are these cars seriously THAT sensitive to tread depth variations!!!!!????? REALLY?? when we are talking about 32nds of an inch that is hard to see let alone calculate....this seems excessive to me from a common sense point of view. A car should not need this kind of fiddly attention....

The question for me is "why". is it because the drive shafts are rigidly mounted between the front drivers and the rear drivers through the transfer case?...Thats the way it looks from underneath the car. I would think BMW would have added some parameters to the design, but maybe they already did and their parameters are what they feel are acceptable at plus or minus 1 percent. That's tight!... Is this the same for other all wheel drive vehicles out there?

So if my rear tires are worn more than my fronts, for instance, are you saying that I will not be able to get close to the wear indicators on those rear tires if the fronts are in better shape? I would like to feel that I have gotten good use out of the tires and not have to worry about my transfer case blowing up or shredding its internal organs.

without re reading through the post...what is that magic number for the difference in tire diameter?.....1/16"?, 1/8"?, 1/4"?

So I guess I cant go with Cragar mags in the rear and skinnys up front?...My redneck BMW dreams shot to heck

seriously, I dont mind running the same size tire at all 4 corners...nice to know that we could, though....I guess thats for the 2 wheel drive crowd, eh?

sorry, Im a little punchy after last night!

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