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      07-19-2013, 04:06 PM   #325

Drives: 2008 335i e93 convertible
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: New Jersey

iTrader: (1)

Hey everybody,

Quick update :

it has been almost 4 months since my divorce. My X bought the house from me very low price. I knew I was losing tons of money but I wanted my daughter to live at the same place when she was with her mother.

I have been giving her 4K a month and she is enjoying every penny of it: Taking vacations with her new boyfriend, spending more time at the malls than at home...

But at the end, I am a lot happier than I have every been in the last 15 years yes, I had to change my life style because of losing decent part of my income and not buy certain things that otherwise I would have bought. But it is all worth it.

So this is my advice to those whose marriage has no chance to get better : GET OUT OF IT AS SOON AS YOU CAN. THE SOONER THE BETTER!!!!

Good luck all...
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