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      03-19-2014, 02:22 PM   #78
Major General

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Originally Posted by MediaArtist View Post
It was, but Cheetos decided he would make the claim that a willingness to shoot first (instead of evaluating when to use deadly force as the law stipulates in Texas) was a reason why Texas was more safe.

Then I provided statistics that showed that Houston, where he actually lives, in terms of violent crime, was only safer than 5% of the cities in the U.S, meaning 95% of cities in the U.S are actually safer than Houston. Houston actually has more than double the violent crime per capita than Los Angeles, the closest large city to where I live.

Then he went on some tirade about how patriotic southerners who are willing to bust a cap without hesitation are the ones serving and doing their duty for this country and how we should appreciate how great they are.

Of course, the Pentagon data shows that the majority of recruits are poor southerners who are trudging around Afghanistan. and more likely joined the military because of economic incentives rather than pure patriotism.

Now Cheetos is trying to make some fantasy point about how it's not really poor people making up the bulk of recruits (contrary to the Pentagon data) and how it's middle class and upper middle class people who are putting on the ruck sack and carrying the assault rifles around in the Afghan Mountains.

Cliff notes for those interested.
And again, I'm astonished (well, not really) at how you leap to invalid conclusions to support your narrative. I don't recall anyone on this board even alluding to "shoot first ask later" - that was your mindless, bigoted conclusion about what others (Texans - lol) are doing. Litos (Cheetos - name-calling is another diversion by those who can't make a point on its own merits) doesn't live anywhere near Houston, FYI. And Houston doesn't have double the crime rate of LA - you are looking at the SMSA - not cities.

The rest of your post is inaccurate as well. But if you keep saying it over-and-over, maybe it will become believable.
<OO (llll)(llll) OO>
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