Originally Posted by Needbmwpartzz
These are the stories of cars that is pushing customers away from bmw.....they have ignored some pretty basic engineering problems as stated in your thread and many others.......fine and dandy when under warranty but once out of warranty many cars just have way too many problems that keeps this brand from being a reliable choice and as the saying goes"once bitten,twice shy" will surely make one time owners just that...one time owners,but I guess that is the risk bmw has taken by not building them more reliable,they know what their issues are and now it's up to them to address and solve them.
I'm not holding my breath....I have not made up my mind yet if I will jump ship but the future is surely headed that way,we'll see once I'm in the marketplace for a new car.
Indeed, along with the price. New cars are just becoming waaaaay overpriced, I guess when you now push car loans out to 84 and 96 months, any Tom Dick & Harry can afford one. It's going to be more fun for the economy when the subprime auto debt blows up (already running at a 9% 60 day deficiency rate). I think the Chief of sales for Honda in the USA came out last month and said the industry should enjoy the sales while they last, because they are setting themselves up for a huge fall with all the subprime auto lending.
As I said above too, new cars just don't interest me all that much. The only ones I'd even care to own are so expensive it will never happen. I'm just not interested in iDrive, internet, paddle shifters, and all the crap that takes away from the feel of being one with a car. With all the tracking and monitoring devices they'll be placing in cars in the years going forward, there is no way in hell I'm buying new. I'm kind of excited to feel this way, knowing I'm going to be saving money going forward on my vehicle purchases since I'll be buying used!