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      05-21-2015, 11:34 PM   #5
Major General

Drives: 2006 BMW 325i
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: United States

iTrader: (8)

Originally Posted by mob17 View Post
Think you're right, i have 245/35 too and it is very tight.

So for the rear 10" rim would a 295/30/19 be ok with the 245/35/19 front? Reason i ask is Michelin only do 275 and 295 in the 30 profile and i'd like to go a bit wider than 275.
That should be fine. I think robc1976 has the same specs in the rear. You will need fender work and negative camber of course.

You can probably get away with 255/35/19 up front but I wouldn't push it more than that. 245/35/19 would be fine as well since you don't have awd.
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