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      10-23-2015, 06:36 AM   #22
Private First Class
Craig242's Avatar
United Kingdom

Drives: 320D M Sport
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Hertfordshire

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Originally Posted by AWSAWS View Post
f'kin ridiculous mate. Such scum out there.

I just can't park my car anywhere and relax. Even in my home I'm now putting a steering wheel lock on. In any car park I park as far away from other cars as I can to avoid doors slamming the side of mine or getting keyed. But it actually makes the car stand out more and being far away, more easy to steel from with less people seeing it.
That's exactly the approach I took yesterday.

I saw an end spot and thought yeh great 50% less chance of having some bellend open their door onto the side of mine. But now I think of it, the massive bush that was covering the rear and half the drivers side was perfect cover for the low life to duck behind and not be seen.
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