Originally Posted by mephiska
Call your insurance and tell them it's not going to be driven for the next couple months and will be garaged. They can give you a substantially reduced rate (80-90% lower) for the remaining time you have the car.
I did this when my STI arrived early and I still had 3 months left on my 135i lease. They dropped the monthly rate on the 135i to something like $10-$15/mo.
Just make sure you call the insurance company to get the full coverage restored if you do drive it to turn it in.
If you are going to store a leased car without any ability to drive it I would assume that worst case is you could pay the remaining months and turn it in early. I can't see why the dealer/manufacturer wouldn't be happy with this arrangement as they are getting the agreed upon payments for the car and having the chance to sell a slightly newer car.