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      01-11-2017, 05:04 PM   #5
08njSTEP's Avatar

Drives: '07 335i, '66 SS396 Chevelle
Join Date: Dec 2015
Location: Manchester, NH

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I worked in Montvale the last year before BMWNA moved to Woodclif Lake. An excellent company to work for. They demand your best though. If you can follow instructions to the letter without questions, and are a person that strives for excellence in your job, it's a great company.
The way they hire is through a job card. This is an open position. Current employees get first shot at a job card based on seniority. If the job card doesn't get filled, they open it to current temp employees. If it remains open after that they look outside the company. They pay well and the benefits package is unreal. I worked as a temp in the body shop and unfortunately that was '08 and the stock market collapse saw BMW reduce it's NA workforce by 10%. I knew 2 guys the year before me that both got hired at VPC(port). $35/hr with 10hrs/wk mandatory overtime at time and 1/2. New car that cost nothing but gas and gets replaced at 5000mi. BMW covers tax,title,registration, and insurance. You order the car to your specs even. Their cafeterias are run by legitimate chefs and are incredible. We had swordfish steaks for lunch once and it cost $5 with 2 sides. Can't say enough good things about the company.
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