Originally Posted by Three_thirty_I
PCV? What's the mileage on your N52?
I know that the older M54 motors used 2 piece oil control rings to reduce internal friction (so that the engines are more efficient), and they tended to wear out prematurely compared to the more traditional 3 piece oil control rings used on the then older M52 motors. So then, what do the N52 motors use for the oil control rings?
Mine still has fairly low mileage for its age, and since I don't do high or even moderate annual mileage, it's hard to say what my oil consumption is - it hasn't drop between services for the last couple of years, but years ago it seemed to be improving as time went on. I think it was something like a litre after doing 10k km or so - previous time it was a litre after doing just over 8k km. Using a thicker oil isn't really solving the problem, so I would try and verify that there are no obvious and dramatic oil leaks. Then try and determine as suggested above whether it is burning oil by removing and inspecting the spark plugs.
my car has 75k miles and i just changed the spark plugs