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      10-23-2017, 07:26 PM   #92
GLU_WEIN's Avatar

Drives: 2018 M5 / 2011 X5 35d
Join Date: Jun 2017
Location: Houston TX

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Actually if you are wanting to do your exhaust you must do the chip tuning first.. when you mess with the exhaust you are dealing with a bunch of sensors in the DPF and the SCR and the DEF tanks, the only way to avoid issues is to tune the car first.. that's why tuning is so much better.. all those sensors plus many many other things get disabled so they don't interfere with mods you do on the car.

I highly suggest you go look for the upgrade threads that tell you exactly what you need to do and how to do it.. this car is VERY temperamental if you don't do things right.. read read read.. (not trying to be rude) it is imperative you educate yourself very well before you start doing stuff to the D.. I cant stress it enough.. you'll thank me later.

[/QUOTE]Thanks for the details and in-depth info. The car I'm looking into has a piggyback already and I'll probably leave it on for a bit as long as it's not turning the dash into a Christmas tree or the dreaded limp mode. Eventually I'll do a tune, but I figured an exhaust would be first that way I don't have to tune it again after the new pipes.[/QUOTE]
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