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      05-20-2018, 02:32 AM   #1
HuseyinBakirci's Avatar

Drives: BMW 323i
Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Laval

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2011 BMW 323i  [0.00]
DTC and Brake Light On


i recently switched my rims from 17" to 19" and got the DTC withthe brake light come on. The car is a BMW 323i 2011 from Canada and İ'm not sure if its because whe diameter of the wheels is 4% bigger or if its because my 17" might had TPMS but nit the new 19". My original rims where the one that comes with the car and the new ones are feom a 2014 3 series. İ know that some cars have FTM and other TPM. Does anyone have an idea on why these light came on or how İ can fix that. İt happened a day after İ installed the new rims so İ'm not sure if its related or not.
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