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      12-14-2018, 09:33 AM   #1
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Engineering Management MSc dissertation topic - Any BMW related ideas?

I'm currently completing my Engineering Management MSc and was wondering if anyone had completed one previously?

I'm after ideas for my Dissertation and need to present an idea which is feasible. The work needs to be individual research and show analysis of the chosen topic.

The course tutor said if I'd like to do something to do with cars perhaps focus on the impact of Volkswagen Emissions scandal and the damage to the brand.

However, I'd like to do something on BMW due to having owned multiple and being genuinely interested in the manufacture, has anyone got any ideas?

I will need to complete netnography so would be looking for people who will be prepared to complete questionnaires and possibly a focus group.

Please send me pm or just answer on the thread if you could provide any help or input it would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks

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