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      03-28-2020, 09:26 AM   #11

Drives: 335D M-Sport, X5D
Join Date: Apr 2018
Location: Maryland

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Originally Posted by jamesfawcett View Post
Originally Posted by apexit4 View Post
This seems like something I've been wanting to do for a while. Just so I understand correctly, you reduced your oil change interval from the 15k mile default down to 8000 miles, correct? So going forward, anytime you use your stalk to reset the oil interval it will reset to 8000 miles, correct?

Quick question on the argument you used: oel;45;04. 45 is the value you used for the interval you want (as provided in your previous post). Why did you change the last value to 04?
Yep that's correct, 8000 miles I think is more than enough for an oil change

Ahh ok so the 04 is the current date for my next oil change, which is set as the value for COU_RSTG_CBS_MESS_WERT when you read the current status.

I made these notes in notepad copying and pasting from other sources but also wokring out what worked for the e90, to compile these steps (so sorry its in mixed tense/third person etc in places). The prg file I found that worked on both was MSD80.prg, I couldn't find that information out there anywhere.

1. On both cars (E82 and E91) open Tool32
2. Load MSD80.prg
3. Navigate to cbs_daten_lesen and run the job
4. In the results, find COU_RSTG_CBS_MESS_WERT make a note of the value here, it will be between 0 and 30. This value will be needed later on if you decide to adjust the month/year manually. The below screen capture is of my car, notice how the value here is 08. This value is the number of times the CBS oil counter has been reset, so my car has had the CBS oil counter reset 8 times, or has had 8 oil changes done in its life time (assuming the CBS reset was done correctly each time the oil was changed)
5. Step 6: Close the results and navigate to cbs_reset. In the Arguments box, enter oel;XX;YY, where:

XX = the service interval (Approximate percentage of the original value, in multiples of 1. The 100% value is 27,580km)

YY = your current CBS counter value

6. A few options for XX, in increments of 5, are:
oel;50;YY=14,000km (13790km rounds to 9,000 miles)
oel;45;YY=12,000km (12411km rounds to 8,000 miles)
oel;40;YY=11,000km (11032km rounds to 7,000 miles)
oel;35;YY=10,000km (9653km rounds to 6,000 miles)
oel;30;YY=8,000km (8270km rounds to 5,000 miles)
oel;25;YY=7,000km (6890km rounds to 4,300 miles)
oel;20;YY=6,000km (5510km rounds to 3,700 miles)
oel;15;YY=4,100km (4130km rounds to 2,500 miles)
oel;10;YY=2,700km (2750km rounds to 1,700 miles)

To pull this all together, my counter value is 08 and I want an oil change interval of 8,000km, so I entered: oel;30;08 

7. Navigate to cbs_daten_lesen and run the job again, view the info and look for a change in RMMI_CBS_WERT value. This value is multiplied by 10 to give the OCI, ie 827 x 10km = 8270km for the OCI.
Quick question on this procedure. I recently learned that this can also (supposedly)be achieved using ProTool. I was able to find the CBS_Reset option and gave it a value of OEL;51 on my E70. That seemed to reset my OCI to the 5000 miles I desired. The only issue is that it didn't change the reset value, only my current value (I.e. if I reset the OCI in the cluster, it goes back to the 10k default). Does this also happen when changing the value with Tool32? Or is it permanent when changed using Tool32?
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