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      01-20-2021, 07:12 AM   #4

Drives: 2010 335i E92 LeMans Blue
Join Date: Dec 2017
Location: Merica!

iTrader: (1)

For years it was believed that you can't mix and match within a bank, and if you had to replace 1 with a newer index, then you had to replace all 3, at the minimum. It's recently, like in the last year or two, been reported that mixing them has no I'll effect. The latter makes sense since the injectors have to be coded to the DME, anyway. Regardless, there's 2 points of view on matters like this. The "it's not broke, don't fix it" crowd, and the "while you're in there, you might as well" types. I'm of the while I'm in there type, so I'd replace them all.

As for what to all to replace with them - start by buying them from a reputable source, not ebay, not amazon, not some random dude on a forum. Reason being is that there are counterfeits out there. Also avoid "refurbished" claims. Buy them new from a place like FCPEuro. Add decoupler rings for how ever many injectors you decide to buy/replace. That's all you need, injectors and decoupler rings. The new injectors will already have new seals on them, and caps that keep them compressed until you're ready to install them - don't remove those caps until the moment you're ready to drop 1 in, i.e. remove 1 old injector, pull the cap from the new injector and install right away. Pay close attention to how the clamping plate is installed, it has a bend to it which is critical. You want the high side of the bend to face up, so when the bolt is tightened down the plate acts as a spring which holds the injector in place and allows some shock absorption every time that cylinder fires.
Appreciate 2