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      03-05-2021, 10:49 PM   #1
Private First Class
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Drives: E61 530i, E90 330i, E36 318ti
Join Date: Mar 2021
Location: Melbourne

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323i vs 325i diff compatibility

Hey all.
Just bought a 323i and it has a little bit of a rattle coming from the diff. From what I’ve heard this is caused by bad pinion bearings, is common on the 320i, and the 323i as well, which uses the same bearings.
The 325i’s diff seems to be much more reliable in this regard. I’m wondering if it’s be possible to get a 325i diff from a wrecker and install it... Does anyone know if they’re compatible, or are the diff mounts/driveshaft different between the two cars?

Edit: Checked RealOEM, they seem to have 25mm different driveshaft lengths, presumably because 325i diff is longer. Any idea if it'd be worth swapping the driveshaft and diff together?

Last edited by cheerio; 03-06-2021 at 01:15 AM..
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