Hello all, looking for some help with this error that im having issues with.
2D20 - plausibility between signal one and two
This issue only occurs for me when I hit a pretty serious bump and the car gets thrown into limp mode. I then do a throttle adaptation reset to get it out of limp mode so i can drive it. It keeps reappearing considering I live in mass and there are bumps everywhere...
I have replaced the accelerator module(pedal) with a new one and the error still occurs. Along with checking voltages of both through ISTA+ and they show -
Signal 1: ~4V
Signal 2: ~2V
- when at 100% throttle. Each time signal 1 is ~2x signal 2. I assume this is where the issue is at.
I have seen mrbeefy's
solution about this. I did tighten the ground on the passenger side strut but nothing has come of it.
The DME is completely up to date as well so I am stumped...
The car also has taken about 2 seconds longer to start up then usual which I believe is connected to the problem since it first occurred the day the 2D20 error was first seen.
I really appreciate any help I can get with issue.

Thank you!!!