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      02-04-2022, 07:22 PM   #4
Private First Class

Drives: E93
Join Date: May 2017
Location: Seattle

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Thanks! Looked at the P code and its P140A, so looks like both banks? I dont understand why air doesn't come out of the pump. I will try again tomorrow.

Originally Posted by gbalthrop View Post
I don't have an N51 with Air Pump, but based upon the BMW Fault Code Lookup Fault Information page linked below, 2A00 does NOT suggest something wrong with the PUMP, but rather the passage to the Valve in Bank 1 (similar supply to Bank 2 and separate code for condition in Bank 2). It appears from Bentley that the Hex-code is the SAME for each, but the P-code is P0491 for Bank 1, and P0492 for Bank 2.

There are about 9 different P-codes for Secondary Air Injection Faults, so make SURE you have read ALL codes. A simple P-code reader may be better than a Hex-code Scan Tool for this, UNLESS the Tool provides the CORRECT Fault Definition for YOUR MSV80 DME. A "2A00" code can mean issue with Flow to (1) Bank 1, (2) Bank 2, (3) BOTH Banks (P140A).

You do NOT indicate if you have the proper wiring diagram for Secondary Air Pump on your vehicle. I'll attach that wiring diagram from ISTA for 2008 328i E93 N51 to next post. Since the Connector has ONLY TWO wires, and Brown (X1124/1) is always Chassis Ground on E9x Models, it's NOT EASY to screw up if mind is engaged.
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