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      11-21-2022, 06:57 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by flybigjet View Post
Heh. Otherwise known as the "Life-Sucking Tube of Pain".

My dad has a whole bunch of hours in both the -A and -B models.

Once they stretched them into the -B, they were painted green camo and its nickname became "The Starlizard".

Trivia: The original 141-A could outclimb an F-4 through 10,000'.

Think about that for a second.

When they stretched it in the early '80's by adding a 13' plug in front of the wing and a 10' plug aft of the wing, they didn't have to re-rate the motors at all-- the -A was *that* overpowered.

One of the coolest things I've ever seen was a four-ship of 141-A's in diamond formation doing a high-speed low-level flyby during an airshow in the late '70's when I was a kid. That was pretty damn epic!

Yeah, that was quite a trip. I made a point of sitting in each of our vehicles during the flight, just to claim I did it. That included a Jeep, a 3/4 ton and a Deuce-and-a-half. We played poker on the hood of the deuce. Then we went upstairs to smoke. The flight deck was pretty large. Later, I enjoyed looking out of a porthole, behind the wing. Cool looking engines. Stars. Millions of stars. Then I realized I was standing a door. I went back to my seat. Heh!
2014 BMW M235i
2024 Mercedes Benz GLC300

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