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      07-13-2023, 12:45 AM   #4
Brigadier General
StradaRedlands's Avatar

Drives: 2006 BMW 330i MT
Join Date: Dec 2021
Location: SoCal

iTrader: (3)

Garage List
2009 BMW 328i Touri ...  [8.00]
2013 BMW X5 35i  [7.80]
2006 BMW 330i  [8.45]
2011 BMW 528i  [8.70]
2006 Mazda3  [5.50]
Sounds like it will be great. Oil leaks suck but are 100% normal and shouldn't disqualify anything. Just get them fixed. It is due for a transmission service, so budget for that and don't put it off. Change all your other fluids as well. Battery may go soon, but as all the above, that's just a normal service item at this point. If the price is friend & family discount, I think you should get it!
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