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      09-24-2024, 08:30 PM   #11
New Member

Drives: 335i Sedan - White
Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: Richmond, VA

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Thank you itechteam,
I had replaced the low pressure fuel pump in the tank and the fuel regulator last fall. In fact, I've driven the car for maybe a couple of hundred miles after installation, since I was looking to fix an oil leak that I never got to.

To answer your question, the car just stopped a couple of miles from my home when I drove it to the dealer in the middle of the road. Since then, if I start the car, I could hear the engine turn, but nothing.

BRG_N54 I have asked the SM to let me meet and talk to the tech tomorrow. I will ask them exactly what they did and update here. I don't mind if it's the LPFP that failed. I fixed it before I can fix it again.

It's just looks like they turned the key and when it didn't start, decided the pump has failed. Or at least that's all I am getting when I ask about it. Hence my questions to the fine folks in this forum to understand what I need to know to make a meaningful decision.

Thank you for taking your time and talking me through this issue. Appreciate it very much.
Appreciate 1