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      01-31-2025, 07:28 AM   #10157
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Originally Posted by Efthreeoh View Post
Just quick and dirty math...

Camry LE with heated seats is $29,310. Cheapest Tesla Model 3 with tax incentives is $34,990, $5,680 more. At $3.29/gal. and using the EPA average of 51 MPG for the Camry, that's 88,000 miles before the Model 3 hits the payback point. At 15,000 miles a year, that's 6 years before any savings are realized. That's a hard sell for a parent with two kids renting a house where they are not going to drop $3,500 to get a L2 EVSE installed so they can have the magic of home refueling. Add in the home charger and the miles to payback are 140,000 and 9 years breakeven. Add the PITA to charge an EV using the public network and people dont see the advantage of adopting. That's why Americans are not buying EV in quantities to flip the market to EV.
you also forget resale value of a tesla model 3 at high mileage vs a camry... people actively search for used camrys and there is a strong market for long term... used model 3 market is 0 and you get annihilated on trade because they change them every 5 second and get pricing adjustments
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