I don't think anyone believes that EVs will go away. Long term, we need a variety of different vehicle types . Diesel, gasoline, EV, fuel cell, synthetic fuel... We need it all. Each has its own niche, where it excels over everything else.
We also can't be so naive as to think there is endless advancement down certain roads where things will get better in every way and cheaper. There are limitations for things, and physics is a CRUEL mistress. Charging rates are going to reach a point where they hit a limit, you can only feed so many volts and amps through a cable that any moron is allowed to use. More volts means more danger, more amps means way higher copper costs (and theft threat).
We are lucky to live in a country of near limitless energy potential, if we use it. If every vehicle we're running E85 now instead of it being a niche thing only for high boost builds, we would need dramatically less oil for gasoline. Biodiesel can be grown via algae that literally eats CO2 out of the air. We have options that are far easier to implement and far better than EV if our goal is to reduce foreign oil use. If we want to reduce emissions, we could put huge taxes on plane and large boats and force automakers to provide parts for 30 years and force right to repair to keep cars on the road longer.
We have solutions, we just don't have consistent and clearly defined problem statements.