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      09-04-2006, 08:26 AM   #1
If love is the answer,please rephrase the question
BellasBmw's Avatar

Drives: Tit Silver 325i
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: San Diego, Ca

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Im an official east coaster..kinda.. lol

Well i made it safe and sound. I arrived thursday night, checked in the hotel with my dad, went to bed. Friday we started out early, hit up the local stores and purchased a few necessities. Well maybe not a few..... thank god for those target gift cards. My dad and i went to Hofstra to check in, my suitemate had arrivied with her parents. Shes a cool girl. Shes very talkative, outgoing, loves to shop and brought a TON of stuff with her. We moved a few things in, then we all went to have dinner and run a few more errands. Saturday morning was big move in day. It took us about 6 hours to unpack and organize our belongings. My roommate arrived, and i love her. Shes quiet, laid back, likes to work out, eats healthy, and seems like a very good person. Her and i hit it off immediately. Infact we went to the gym for the first time last night. Its about a 5 min walk from our building.
My building, unfortunately, is the farthest from campus. It will take a good 15 min walk to arrive to the student center (the main hub of our campus- food, bookstore, offices, library, bank, ..etc). From there we cross the enclosed bridge to the class area. So im assuming it will take around 20-25 mins to arrive to class depending on where the building is located. Its not too bad NOW, but when it hits 10 degress and snow.. we'll see how i deal.
I also realised just how many classes im taking. Thankfully my roommate showed me how to check my schedule online. I never realised i had been looking at this week's schedule and of course monday we have off. So i assumed i had no class on mondays. I WAS WRONG- I have 4 classes monday, 1 on tuesday, 3 on wednesday, 2 on thursday, 2 on friday. BUSY BUSY.
Today i went to the mall (thank god there is a huge mall 2-3 miles from campus).. i got some sweaters and boots. Im starting now!
The hard part is not having my car. I LOVE my car, and ive been driving since i was 15. Im not used to being dependent on someone else, and i hate that feeling. If i need to buy some supplies, unless they need/want to go, im out of luck. That will be an adjustment.
Ive also never had to share a room or bathroom with girls. The bedroom isnt a big deal cause like i said, my roommate is very cool. I will have to learn how to sleep with noise. Even though our suite is 3 seperate bedrooms, you can hear everything in the rooms. Sharing the bathroom with 5 other girls is hard. I am skeptical to leave my things around, but in reality-- what could they take.. toothpaste, face wash?? So i only take my more expensive things in and out of the bathroom. The bathroom is big, however the shower is small. And we have curtains to divide up the tiolet and shower area. That way if someone is showering we can still use the potty. But i think #2 is gonna have to be a solo act.
We have a little fridge/microwave in our room. Its great cause now i have cereal and snacks throughout the room.
Anyway, thats just a lil jist of whats going on here. Its funny cause im only 30 miles from NYC, yet, it doesnt seem like it. When you live on campus, your in this bubble. Things are close by.. driving distance but only a few miles. So i hope we'll get some time to visit NYC this week. Anyway, thats a nutshell of life here.

edit- im going into the city today with the roomie!
Proud mama to 325i/TiAg/Black lette/Pwr seats/Sirius/Sport/Walnut/Step/Xenons/Chrome exhaust/20% tint
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