Originally Posted by BellasBmw
You guys.. this is pretty sad but im homesick and i wanna go back to cali  . I have only been here a week. Its not that i hate it, or anything. But i miss my mom and family. I thought i was going to love not hearing her yell at me or bitch.. but in reality its all i can think about. Im literally homesick, ive been having bad stomach aches and nervousness thinking about it. What should i do?? I spent all this money on supplies , traveling, a going away party, and ill look like a fool coming back so soon. But, i wanna see everyone. I should have gone to a school in cali that way i could drive home once a month. I didnt think it was gonna be this hard. I dont think ill last till christmas. I gotta home before then, but im in the class Mon-Fri.
Hang in there, girl! Moving 3000 miles away from home is inherently tough on the psych when you're young. But it's been only a week. Give it some time. You're young, never been away from home before, in a strange area, without your close friends you're familiar with. You'll adapt, make new friends, learn new things. Immerse yourself in your studies (to a point) and soon you'll find the homesickness fades almost as rapidly as the onset. I'd bet if your suitemates/roommate are from a fair distance away and young like you, they're a bit homesick, too right about now.
Best of luck. It's all a part of growing up.