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      01-27-2009, 09:42 PM   #45

Drives: 2025 BMW M340i
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: MA

iTrader: (4)

I am not concerned with my ability to hold a job in this economy. I am actually leaving mine and starting a new one in the next couple of weeks. My skills are transferable and even if I am laid off at some company, I can find a job at another because I am qualified, educated and have credentials. Also, I have planned for the future and I am not spending every dollar I make as it comes in. I have an emergency fund, among other savings. I think its all about just being smart and having common sense imo.

EDIT: I should mention I am in my mid-20's, single, no kids. My only expenses are my own. I guess I might think differently if I had greater responsibilities.

Last edited by alex2112; 01-27-2009 at 10:01 PM..
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