Originally Posted by Kimo
What do you mean by "early"?
Our pre-Sept build iDrive 330i definitely has user programmable DRL. Are we gonna lose that if we do the Emissions recall?
Also, I fail to see ANY difference in the fonts (at least from the pictures posted here). Are they really that noticable up close?
I am unsure when my car's build date was, but I did get my car May of 2005. Please let us know what build date your car is or when you got your car. I do not have the capability to program DRL. I specifically asked/told my SA not to program the DRL feature, but this last visit they were on. I asked him to turn this feature off, but he insisted that once it is programmed it cannot be reversed. I am set up for an appointment at another dealership to turn this feature off. I hope they can turn it off.