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      02-01-2010, 01:03 PM   #25

Drives: 2008 BMW M3
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Toronto

iTrader: (1)

Originally Posted by freshwhite335 View Post
no offense taken. but dont you think the OP is asking for a bit much considering his budget limitations and desire for a good reliable DD?
I definitely agree with you that he is asking alot. 12 seconds is a fast car and will be as fast as his nice M3/M6 if not faster. (at least if he keeps his ///M cars stock.) So I do not really get it either in a sense. However following his guidelines I would not say it is an impossibility. He could always tune a Civic to be that fast and be somewhat reliable (ie. there may be some gimicky things but it will get him where he needs to go) if he really wishes for something fast and will give up all the luxuries.
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