Originally Posted by shadowcoder
Holy cow. That sucks. To me this doesn't look like a vandalism or
something hitting/falling on the windshield from the outside. This
isn't how windshields break when things fall on it (had a couple of
those in other cars). If I were you, I would find a guy with lost of
experiece who does windshields and either take the car to him, have
him come over or show him this picture and see what he thinks/says.
The first thing that will come out of your dealer's mouth would be "oh
yeah something definitely hit your car" since my guess is they haven't
seen many of those.
Best of luck with the insurance and keep us updated on what
happens. I'm moving with the family to Chicago end of March and
I'd hate to see that happen to my car 
Will do. Two spiders however does have me leaning to an outside force on a threro stressed window. Maybe weak already. Maybe just some jack off at work too.