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      02-15-2007, 11:57 AM   #11
TTG's Avatar

Drives: M340
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Seattle, WA

iTrader: (3)

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Very very sad to see this... I sure hope you do not have some sort of a hater out there.....

On the other hand I never had a good expereince with BMW assist / roadside.... Of the 2 times I needed them they failed me big time in complete normal weather conditions..... On one incidence I was stuck in downtown seattle with 2 blown tires on a 325XI..... they showed up 5 hours later with a regular tow truck....which I refused to get the car towed on... In both cases AAA responded rightaway after BMW's BS!

Good luck w/ your car.
2020 G20 M340 xDrive - Portimao Blue - ZDA|ZPP|ZPX|1CR|1PE|6NW|6WD
2016 F10 535i xDrive - AW - Retired
2011 E92 M3 - AW……………....ED April 29th, 2010 - Retired
2007 E92 335i -Space Gray.....ED Oct 19th, 2006 - Retired
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