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      07-11-2010, 06:32 AM   #76
Brigadier General
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United Kingdom

Drives: F80 M3
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Germany/UK

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Originally Posted by domsaywha View Post
yes, money has been sent long time ago... it was a misunderstanding.. pm me if you would like to discuss more i guess?
Some advice for you - People on this forum are not stupid. Everyone knows that this was no misunderstanding and that you attepted to scam forum members of their hard earned cash. You only agreed to refund their money when you realised that they knew where you lived and got scared.

You are only a kid and sometimes in life we all make stupid decisions for whatever reasons - Be a man and show some respect for the forum members whose money you took - admit what you did and apologise to all of them publicly on the forum......people will give you far more respect for standing up and being honest, i guarantee it.
2014 AW F80 M3 DCT
2011 AW E90 M3 DCT - Sold
2010 JZB E90 M3 DCT - Sold
2009 6MT E90 LCI 335i M -Sport - Sold
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