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      11-26-2010, 04:26 AM   #58
Enlisted Member

Drives: f97
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Jersey City

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2021 BMW X3MC  [5.00]
i only purchased the east disk since i'm on the east coast. the cost of the disk was $50. if a few people contributed $5 each, i think we should be good. i'm not trying to recoup all my expenses but partial would be good. in addition to the cash, it took some time to rip, upload and check to make sure the ripped file worked so that others will get a working file. if anyone wants to share in the expense, a personal transfer from paypal to strctlylo at yahoo should work. and by no means does anyone have to pay. i'm sure in a few days/weeks these will be out there. i was just impatient and wanted the disks right away. like i said, let me know, no big deal for me either way.
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