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      05-05-2011, 08:15 AM   #4
Private First Class
Esco's Avatar

Drives: 2015 F30 335i
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Houston, TX

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Originally Posted by Raikkonen View Post
Quick question:

Is there any way to just replace the chrome grill slats with black slats, while maintaining the stock chrome surrounds???

I really like this look, and I prefer it to doing the entire grill in black, because ,my car is silver, and the contrast is just too stark for me.

I've noticed the smaller displacement European 3-series have this look as standard, while moving up to a larger displacement car gets you our all chrome look...

If not, does anyone have a link to paint just the vertical slats???

I'm definitely not a "modder", and I need any help that I can get. Thanks in advance everyone.
Please post some pics when you're done, I'd love to see how it comes out!
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