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      05-21-2007, 04:53 AM   #15
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Drives: G22 M440D
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Originally Posted by needforspeed View Post
Is there any sign of this delay in the new transmission? Hopefully not since the lock up is meant to be much faster.
Not for me, but then I am driving pretty sedately most of the time. So whether it takes off in 2nd doesn't bother me. The hesitation when selecting a gear to take off in was a HUGE failing in some of the earlier boxes (Example). Compared with my Jag this new box is night and day !

The new box does learn VERY quickly your present style. Some days I notice the revs hanging a little bit higher as I have been driving briskly, then other days when I have been "pootling" it is lazy and changes early.

It is definitely MUCH more direct than the previous box, I wouldn't go so far as to say snatchy, but direct.

Escort Mk1 RS2000 (2.1 2x44IDFS, BVH, Kent FR32, 5spd, 180 BHP) : M440D ¦ Previously : F32 435D : F32 430D M Sport sDrive, 335D E92 2006

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