E90 n55 stalling starting issues
Hey so my 2011 n55 seems like has bad fuel bc when I was driving it started bogging down I pulled over restarted it lasted about 30 minutes till started sounding like it was stalling again then it stalled out 2 times and 3rd time it would start and stall right away sounding like bad fuel but after 3 more attempts to start it would do a single 1 second crank and stop as if battery is dead so took battery to get checked and charged it started was good for 20 mins I shut off go to start again same thing one crank multiple times next morning super slow cranking but started after a few on and offs it does single spin/crank for a while after sitting it will start again and run fine every roughly 3 starts it will bog and or stall so I’m stumped it is tuned could it be that?