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      03-23-2014, 08:42 PM   #1
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Thumbs down Radial Tire Company in Silver Spring MD

Not happy with the service. I took the car in for a flat repair today (Saturday 03/22). I was told the tire would be patched when I stopped by two weeks ago but instead it was plugged. I paid and left. As I get on the highway , I feel slight vibration but I am thinking no biggie. As I brake from around 70 mph , the whole car vibrates alot. I mean huge difference from my ride down to the shop. So I return to the shop, ask them to check the car out but they are not too pleased because they are extremely busy. I asked the wheel to be checked for balance and they reluctantly agree to the check and says we'll torque the wheel. I am thinking "didnt they torque it before?" . I wait ten minutes and the car is brought back and the tech insists that it is my brakes. I agree that I had a very slight vibration but nothing like what it is doing after being in their shop. The tech says " Oh, your car definitely has problems, during the test drive when I came to a stop to turn around , the car's engine cut off for no reason and I had to start it again, you really need to have the BMW dealership check that out". So I say "did you come to a complete stop?" . He says "yes". That's the ASS ! Auto Start and Stop ! Then he says "Oh" . I get home and wash the car. I find 3 scratches and two knicks from the air wrench on the same wheel the shop had worked on today. I cant believe this crap! I am not taking my car to this place again. I will be calling rim doctors to see if they can repair it. damn it !
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Last edited by 1N54E92; 03-24-2014 at 09:13 AM..
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      03-24-2014, 06:16 AM   #2
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I'm with you. Employs what looks to be a bunch of illegal aliens. The owner is arrogant and the service is lousy. They f-ed up a rather expensive magnesium rim on another car I have and when I called them out on it they owner tells me well your paint is really old that's why we scraped 6 inches of paint off the lip of the wheel (and didn't bother to say anything to me about it... no sorry we'll take care of it or anything at first). Then he asks me to send him a picture and then says bring it back and i'll fix it with a spray can of touch-up. What a dick thing to say. Each of these rims cost well over $1000 a piece to replace and your solution is a can of touch-up?! Never again!
2008 335xi
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It's a simple process.... it's just complicated by humans.
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      03-25-2014, 05:18 AM   #3
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They used to be a pretty decent place with a decent reputation to match....but I have read and heard many counts against them as of recently. Shame, as they used to be pretty good.
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      03-25-2014, 11:19 AM   #4
Raja Ventureshield
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oh so sorry to hear that.
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      03-25-2014, 05:12 PM   #5


Wow, sorry to hear it...a couple peeps recommended going to this place about a year ago while trying to chase down a wheel/tire vibration issue given that they balance the wheel while it's on the vehicle. Never got a chance to try it and glad I didn't. Sounds like they're just like every other "specialty shop" out there
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      03-27-2014, 12:22 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by FCobra94 View Post
Wow, sorry to hear it...a couple peeps recommended going to this place about a year ago while trying to chase down a wheel/tire vibration issue given that they balance the wheel while it's on the vehicle. Never got a chance to try it and glad I didn't. Sounds like they're just like every other "specialty shop" out there
I drove there from Baltimore because I've read other members recommending this place. I dont know if the management changed or I was dealing with someone who was having a bad day but I will not be going back. Yesterday I picked my car up from the dealership after a scheduled oil change. I had the dealership do a road force balance and rotate the tires. No more noticeable shakes and shimmy during heavy braking.

If your car is lowered then dont take your car to this place, the "exit" driveway is very very steep ! I had to backup out at an 45 degree angle and still manage to slightly scrape the small plastic air deflector under the car (front of front wheels)
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Last edited by 1N54E92; 03-28-2014 at 12:46 PM..
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      03-27-2014, 01:08 PM   #7


Originally Posted by 1N54E92 View Post
I drove there from Baltimore because I've read other members recommending this place. I dont know if the management changed or I was dealing with someone who was having a bad day but I will not be going back. Yesterday I picked my car up from the dealership after a scheduled oil change. I had the dealership do a road force balance and rotate the tires. No more noticeable shakes and shimmy during heavy braking.

If your care is lowered then dont take your car to this place, the "exit" driveway is very very steep ! I had to backup out at an 45 degree angle and still manage to slightly scrape the small plastic air deflector under the car (front of front wheels)
Yeah, that's too bad, but I'm glad the dealership was able to get you squared away.

The only place I've found that actually knows how to properly use a road force balancer is these guys...it's the only place I go to now:
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      06-25-2014, 06:54 PM   #8
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Update: it has been 3 months since I had the tire plugged and wheel scratched by Radial Tires Inc. On Monday 06/23/2014 , my TPMS went off. You guys want to take a guess which tire ? Yes, the one RADIAL Tires plugged 3 months ago. The plug looks fine and I don't see any nails or screws on the tire. So I make my way to the air pump . As I am adding more air to the tire I notice white foam coming out of the valve. did these guys fill the tire with a fix a flat and put a plug in it last time ? so the shake could have been from the fix-a-flat ? what kind of crappy fix is that ?. I am not going back to RADIAL. I will make the weekly trip to inflate the tire until the tires are worn out. Think twice before you take your BMW to RADIAL TIRES INC. in Silver Spring.
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Last edited by 1N54E92; 06-25-2014 at 07:28 PM..
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      07-01-2014, 09:48 AM   #9
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take it to another shop and have them pull the tire for you to see whats going on there... it shouldnt be that expensive... $25-50
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      02-18-2025, 12:34 PM   #10

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These Radial Tire Co. posts are from 2008 - 2014. Please check out their recent 2025 reviews. They have almost 6K reviews on Google with a 4.9 rating. This review was just posted by a customer on Google: "Radial tire company is the best place to get tires for your car in the DC area including northern Virginia and Maryland. The staff are very courteous professional and knowledgeable. The prices are great. I highly recommend it for your tire service."
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      02-18-2025, 05:45 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by RTire View Post
These Radial Tire Co. posts are from 2008 - 2014. Please check out their recent 2025 reviews. They have almost 6K reviews on Google with a 4.9 rating. This review was just posted by a customer on Google: "Radial tire company is the best place to get tires for your car in the DC area including northern Virginia and Maryland. The staff are very courteous professional and knowledgeable. The prices are great. I highly recommend it for your tire service."
https://www.google.com/search?q=Radial+Tire+Company+Silver+Spring%2C+MD&r lz=1C1CHBF_esMX871MX871&sxsrf=AOaemvK01EZgrc2u_pQM 6Xj33N0JWYMvDw%3A1637165153246&ei=YSiVYc2qDv_A0PEP rsu3gAo&oq=Radial+Tire+Company+Silver+Spring%2C+MD &gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyCgguEMcBEK8BECcyBQgAEMsBMg YIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeOg0ILhDHARCvARCwAxAn OgcIABBHELADSgQIQRgAUGhYmQRgywxoAXACeACAAYMBiAH_AZ IBAzAuMpgBAKABAaABAsgBCcABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwiN35a745_0AhV_IDQIHa7lDaAQ4dUDCA4&u act=5#lrd=0x89b7c8d6b49f6f8d:0x3d96820a3c82fca4,1, ,,&mpd=~1593066442319640716/customers/reviews
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      02-28-2025, 07:20 AM   #12
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in fairness, these guys were also just highly recommended to me by one of the most respected Porsche independents in the region. They suggested asking for Paul Moorcones when calling to schedule if anything special.

Separately: We've found Discount Tire & Auto in Kensington MD to be a very trustworthy & cost-effective family-owned tire shop. They will perform Tire Rack order installations and/or you can order through them and usually wind up with a similar turnkey price.

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