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      07-16-2007, 06:40 PM   #1
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Please explain this whole "fan-boy" term and why it's supposed to be derogatory?

Someone on this forum called me a "fan-boy" in relation to my opinion between bmw and infiniti, more specifically the G35 (which i said is fun car and have experience driving it).

And....so by being a "fan-boy" is that wrong? Shouldn't i be a fan of bmws, i mean, i spent $50K on a car, you'd think i should be, right? I have a jeep wrangler which i probably like even more, so i'm a fan of jeeps??? I'm a fan of the Okahoma Sooners...i think they're the greatest team in collegiate sports...am i not allowed to state my opinion anymore? Try and persuade a NY Yankees fan that they aren't the best team in baseball!!! Good luck.

Putting me down due to the fact that in my opinion i believe bmws might be the best car out there on the road, is that wrong? So, someone thinks that mbs are the best...they are entitled to their opinion...and they are obviously fans of mbs. Should i mock them, try and upset them, belittle them due to their opinion? From responses on this fourm, that's what i should do? It seriously seems like some members sit at home, safe, behind their computers, just talking...for lack of a better word, shit, to other members.

I guess i'm just amazed that someone would label and antagonize me for stating my opinion about a car that, yep, i love it and i'm a fucking huge fan of bmws. Isn't this a forum for BMW owners and enthusiasts? I'm beginning to wonder.

Anyway, are there better cars out there? Sure, but i dont really care.
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      07-16-2007, 06:44 PM   #2
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If you dont care then why did you make a thread. You either care or just like hearing yourself talk.

Fanboy is someone who even when the product has been proven to be less better or wrong still trys to make the product sound great.

I am not Fanboy because I would dump my BMW for a Ferrari anyday.
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      07-16-2007, 06:48 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by DasBlitz View Post
If you dont care then why did you make a thread. You either care or just like hearing yourself talk.

Fanboy is someone who even when the product has been proven to be less better or wrong still trys to make the product sound great.

I am not Fanboy because I would dump my BMW for a Ferrari anyday.
Well, you do have about 350 more posts than i do, so i'm not sure who likes to hear themself talk.

Anyway, the definition of fan-boy would suffice. Just trying to see the relation of how it's "put down."
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      07-16-2007, 06:52 PM   #4
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Fanboy is a term used to describe an individual (usually male, though the feminine version fangirl may be used for females) who is utterly devoted to a single fannish subject, or to a single point of view within that subject, often to the point where it is considered an obsession. Fanboys remain loyal to their particular obsession, disregarding any factors that differ from their point of view. Fanboys are also typically aggressive and hateful towards the opposing brand or competition of their obsession regardless of its merits or achievements.


Fanboys are attributed with a sycophantic devotion to the creators and principles behind a work with which they are currently enthralled, but will quickly move their attention elsewhere once something better or just newer comes along. Fanboys are noted for a very emotional attachment to their chosen subject, often taking negative remarks about it as a personal attack. They will readily engage in debates, but will fall back on emotional responses. For example, a "fanboy" may go out of their way to point out negative and often untrue statements about their obsession's rivals; this is commonly known as FUD.

The stereotypical image of the fanboy is as an unkempt, socially awkward, young man who may be perceived as a loud mouthed pseudo-intellectual. As electronic entertainment gained popularity, the term became increasingly applied to video gamers and television addicts. As a result, a subculture emerged which readily labeled itself as fanboys. Within this group, more effort is taken to fit in with a perceived standard, resulting in a more outgoing attitude, even among those with insecurities. This outgoing stance is often felt to be abrasive by those not involved in the culture as deeply.

More recently, especially in the video game industry, fans of a particular video game console manufacturer have begun exhibiting slavish devotion to their brand of choice. Conversely they hold an unreasonable amount of animosity towards the other brands which they consider to be competition. They are extremely rude to fans of the other companies or even people who don’t hail complete and utter devotion to the object of their fanaticism. These people seek out every opportunity to annoy others whose opinions differ from theirs. This trend has led to the term “fanboy” deriving a more and more negative connotation.

History of fanboys and the term

The term originated in comic book circles, to describe someone who immersed himself in the fictional worlds of comics and the culture of comics fandom. The term is often used in a derogatory manner by other less obsessed fans. In the songs of the fannish parody musician Luke Ski, many characters proudly consider themselves fanboys. The term is most commonly associated with adolescent and teen males but can be applicable to any age or sex. Common subjects of reverence by fanboys are TV shows, movies, music, anime, comic books, cars, video game consoles, video games, operating systems, MMORPGs, hardware and software companies.

Popular depictions of Fanboy stereotypes include the Comic Book Guy on The Simpsons and columnist Larry Groznic from the satirical newspaper The Onion.

The earliest published uses of the word "fanboy" have been dated to 1982. One reference is to the cover of the "Official Underground and Newave Comix Price Guide". On this cover page are sketched overweight, overzealous comic book collectors wearing T-shirts that state "Fanboys of America," and are describing the extreme measures they would go to, including moving to San Francisco, to preserve their comics. Also published in 1982, a comic strip appeared in Jim Engel and Chuck Fiala's "Fandom Confidential" comic. In the strip, Jim and Chuck met comic artist/writer John Byrne and collapsed into "mindless paroxysms of adoration." The John Byrne character responded that they were "a couple of fanboys in bondage" which was a play on words referring to a Monty Python skit in which an Elizabethan era character reads what she claims to be "'Gayboys in Bondage' by William Shakespeare".[1] Another early use is in a smart-alec editorial reply by "Ambush Bug" to a letter in his comic in 1985.
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      07-16-2007, 06:54 PM   #5
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Natureboy, you are too funny! Thanks! =)
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      07-16-2007, 06:56 PM   #6
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i suppose a fan boy is someone who praises a product excessively to the point where its really f*in annoying (you in this case).

The best anything is all a matter of opinion. There really is no best anything. You say bmw is best, well look at the great fuel pump problem, hardly something the "best" car should have.

Evo owners may say that mistu is best. When in reality mitsu sucks the only car worth looking at is the evo

I own a benz, i could easily say the benz beats bmw hands down, but I don't because they are good in their own ways.

There is no best anything , so shut up and go have your milk and cookies.
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      07-16-2007, 07:03 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Crimson92 View Post
i suppose a fan boy is someone who praises a product excessively to the point where its really f*in annoying (you in this case).

The best anything is all a matter of opinion. There really is no best anything. You say bmw is best, well look at the great fuel pump problem, hardly something the "best" car should have.

Evo owners may say that mistu is best. When in reality mitsu sucks the only car worth looking at is the evo

I own a benz, i could easily say the benz beats bmw hands down, but I don't because they are good in their own ways.

There is no best anything , so shut up and go have your milk and cookies.
Good lord, did you even read the post or get hung-up in your reply?
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      07-16-2007, 07:07 PM   #8
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Aww did I upset you lol...i like your very forceful PM, very grown up like. As for my post go ahead and pick at it all you want, in the end you look like the fool much like you already do.
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      07-16-2007, 07:09 PM   #9
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Um yeah, ok.
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      07-16-2007, 07:15 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Bubbarossa View Post
Well, you do have about 350 more posts than i do, so i'm not sure who likes to hear themself talk.
haha. You do know you are on a forum right?
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      07-16-2007, 07:19 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Crimson92 View Post
Aww did I upset you lol...i like your very forceful PM, very grown up like. As for my post go ahead and pick at it all you want, in the end you look like the fool much like you already do.

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      07-16-2007, 07:20 PM   #12
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OP, don't let it bother you...nothing wrong with being a BMW fan. Use of that term in a derogatory fashion is weak at best.
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      07-16-2007, 07:21 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by DasBlitz View Post
haha. You do know you are on a forum right?
No he thinks forums are for looking only and occasionally posting a question or comment that has been beaten to death previously
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      07-16-2007, 07:21 PM   #14
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Unfortunately, there are alot of them on this forum.....
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      07-16-2007, 07:26 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by DrewKo View Post
OP, don't let it bother you...nothing wrong with being a BMW fan. Use of that term in a derogatory fashion is weak at best.

Thanks, for an actual "kind" repsonse which seems almost impossible for some of you on this forum. As for the other "happy" comments, i'm glad i've wasted time in your life by reading these post, LOL!!! LOL!!! LOL!!!
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      07-16-2007, 07:29 PM   #16
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