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      08-07-2013, 11:33 PM   #67
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Covers are illegal in Ca. Never been stopped, but I know they can.
Live in the Bay Area. Several cities are removing the red light cameras because they actually make the roads unsafe. More rear end accidents.
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      08-08-2013, 12:26 AM   #68

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don't want to hijack but my question is quasi on topic.... I am putting a tinted cover over my license plate and the screws that bmw are provided are too short now... anybody know off hand what the bolt thread size is on the front and rear plates?

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      08-08-2013, 12:55 AM   #69
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I don't know what to say to you, OP. I understand your rancor. I see someone posted a section of code (presumably Massachusetts' code ??) that doesn't stipulate what officer said to you. Yet it's hard to believe he'd have made up a section of code and give a ticket over it.

I would go to court on that matter, provided I don't have speeding infractions. Just cite the section of code that's readily available to you and tell the judge you weren't aware of any other laws on the matter. Unless the judge is as big a jerk as the cop, it's unlikely he'll make you pay the ticket, but you'll probably still have court costs to pay.

FWIW, I doubt the cop was actually ticked you over not seeing your plate in particular. I don't know if you know this or not, but since 9/11, nearly every state has adopted the use of license plate recognition software. That software is cross referenced with data from a variety of sources and is part of the technology infrastructure used to identify, monitor and potentially apprehend "persons of interest" and terrorists. That software can also be used to identify potentially stolen/"lost" cars and plates. Consequently, cops these days ride around with their camera and software active waiting for the "beep." (It's also worth noting that many stationary cameras are integrated with the same recognition systems. So if you thought revenue generation was the sole reason for the proliferation of speed cameras, think again, although revenue is part of it for sure.)

I suspect your cover impairs the functionality of that software, and that is probably why you got stopped more so than the cop himself simply not being able to see your plate. You are in Massachusetts, after all, and they did just have that bombing not all that long ago.

FWIW, and off topic, it's not clear just how effective these systems have been in actually finding terrorists, which is the primary and initial stated purpose for them. More often, vigilant citizens provide tips that lead to concrete results as far as I know. And folks thought Big Brother was a reality show for a few dozen groups of folks who are paid to participate in a reality series on TV...

All the best and good luck.

If you really are a terrorist or criminal, it won't be interest to go to court over the ticket.

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      08-08-2013, 12:59 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by miker2013 View Post
don't want to hijack but my question is quasi on topic.... I am putting a tinted cover over my license plate and the screws that bmw are provided are too short now... anybody know off hand what the bolt thread size is on the front and rear plates?

I have no idea where Monkeytown is, but it may be in your interest to check the statutes in your state. Most, if not all, prohibit tinted license plate covers. (See my post above.)

I don't know the size of the bolt thread on either plate. I suspect you could take one of the ones you have to Home Depot and eyeball it if all you want is new bolts.

All the best and good luck.

'07, e92 335i, Sparkling Graphite, Coral Leather, Aluminum, 6-speed
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      08-08-2013, 01:01 AM   #71
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Originally Posted by techietaichi View Post
Ok, so I'm bouncing off to work around 8:30PM and have been doing so for over 3 years now. I was actually being a good boy that night and wasn't getting too cozy with my accelerator, only going about 70(speed limit's 65) when suddenly "whoop, whoop", damnit a trooper! Shit. The officer walks over, flashlight all in my face, knee against my door, hand conveniently placed between his buckle and sidearm as he's leaning towards me, "How you doin' sir, know why I stopped you?". "Officer, I have no idea and was just about to ask you that", I responded. "License plate" he said. "License plate? What's wrong with it. Damn, did it fall off?!". "Nope. License plate cover, can't see your license plate". "What do you mean? I can see them just fine", I retorted. "Nope, I have to see them from 60 feet away. What you have is illegal". "Illegal? But I just bought them at Auto Zone. If they're illegal to have, why isn't it illegal to sell?". "I don't make the laws sir", he said.

Anyways, I ended up not getting a ticket and he asked me to be sure to remove them when I got a chance. I've yet to do so. I live in Massachusetts and I have a lot of problems with this state. From politics, to taxation, to welfare, to my guns. I mother%&$#'n hate this state and can't wait to head north to NH. This incident just added fuel to the fire. Stopped for a silly ass license plate cover, really? Never mind all the degenerates running about wreaking havoc and being a complete blight on society, let me stop this guy. Who else or what other states suffer this kind of ridiculous bs? Next thing they're going to tell me is a lowered vehicle's illegal or my wheels are too big. Sorry guys, I'm not trying to be a crybaby, but shit like this gets on my damn nerves. Can we all get a little something in return for the huge amount of taxes we pay?!
lol sounds like cali
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      08-08-2013, 10:23 AM   #72
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I live is Massachusetts too, and have used plate covers for my front plate for years...BUT always clear, and I replace them about every 2 years as they get nicked up and not as clear. Never had a problem, but I know plenty of people with tinted covers who get tickets. Its not just about visibility, part of the issue with tinted covers is not being able to tell what type of plate it is....And if someone dares run with a blue tinted cover, they risk some really steep fines since blue plates in Mass are police and official vehicles.
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      08-08-2013, 12:35 PM   #73

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As everyone pointed out, the officer had nothing to do that day. Also as you pointed out, the law is vague, however you can use the officer words against him, he claimed the law say it must be seen 60 ft away, which is wrong, the law does not say you can not have a cover it just can not obstruct clear view so the officer applies his own law not the actual law. Just take picture of the plate form various distance and ask the judge if he can see it, thus making the officer look like an idiot.

At least Mass's law does not outlaw them completely. In PA you can not have anything over the plate. With that said as long I can remember my dad has always had covers on his plates. Grant it, they been on cars like a Cadillac, and never once has he even been stop for it, hell he even got tickets for speeding and the officer never said anything about his plate covers.

However I know of people who get stop for them since the young and in a nice car.
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      08-08-2013, 01:01 PM   #74
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Sounds like he was running plates and couldn't get a read, AVPS...
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      08-08-2013, 02:04 PM   #75

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I see why you were annoyed but honestly I can't for the life of me understand why you would use a plate cover. Frames I can see (still don't like them) but covers do NOTHING but at least give the outward appearance that you are trying to hide your plate.

While again I agree this is a stupid waste of his time and your time the same could he argued about the covers, why bother? There is no legal benefit and you spent time and money fitting them.

Flip the tables, you are a pissed off about life cop, today you are more pissed off than usual and you see a guy in a BMW with custom plates and they have a cover on them. Yup, gonna give this guy a hard time.

Glad you didn't get a ticket though, hate tickets.

Originally Posted by techietaichi View Post
Sorry bout the gigantic pics...

Here's my old plates w/o the cover

and my new plates w/smoked cover. As you can see, the entire plate is exposed, no frame that obscures anything. Damn, can I get some points for that?!

Not a huge difference, but enough that it blends with my ride ok. Even when I'd arrived at work that night, I parked my car, stood a good 30-40 feet away, whipped out my flashlight that's nowhere near as strong as headlights and I could see them just fine. I'm almost convinced the guy was just harassing me. What a DICK!
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      08-08-2013, 02:22 PM   #76
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I go through this in ChicagoLand. I have to drive through a rough area on my way to work. Ford Heights is a sh*tty suburb that doesnt even have a city police force, so the County has to police this turd of a town. When I would drive through, these jackass would pull me over for not displaying a front license plate....really? (i had to order a new one) All the drugs and crime in this city and you pull me over for this?! I hate it when I approach this city and breathe a sigh of relief when I'm out of it.
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      08-08-2013, 02:41 PM   #77

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Originally Posted by Titanium3er View Post
I got a ticket for this in the People's Republic of NJ. Moved south to a less communist state and it hasn't happened since.
Wish I could "Like" or "Vote Up" posts sometimes!!

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      08-08-2013, 03:10 PM   #78
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did he pull u over for the front plates or rear plates.
<img src=http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z164/kevinbahnz/08-23-2008030.jpg border=0 alt= />
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      08-08-2013, 06:59 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by F-16 CHIEF View Post
Sweet! A Roanoke person. I work on the Salem Roanoke border.
I just purchased a home in Salem... We MUST meet!? There are a few of us in the area but scattered about....
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      08-08-2013, 09:26 PM   #80
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Never mind the license plate, more photos of the E90 with Alpina wheels!!!!
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      08-09-2013, 03:33 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by Be Awesome 335i View Post
I just purchased a home in Salem... We MUST meet!? There are a few of us in the area but scattered about....
Yeah. Sounds good. I work up at LewisGale.
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      08-09-2013, 03:45 PM   #82

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ive been stopped for window tint and my tinted license cover for five times last month. everytime i got stopped they were checking my tint and bitcin about tinted license cover, for tint i told them that i bought a used car from bmw dealer so they let me go but for tinted license plate was annoying.. so i decided to take it off but lost some kind of special tool? to open it.. so had to break it down and buy license plate mount and clear cover to replaced..FML
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      09-13-2013, 05:52 AM   #83
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Funny thing happened yesterday when I went to pick up my son from school. There was a State Trooper parked, likely to pick up his child, and I pulled up in front of him to park. The first thing I thought about was this thread. Well, I decided what the hell, if he want's to cite me, ok fine, I'll accept that. I made sure the trooper who was still sitting in his cruiser had full unabated view of my license plate then stood in the schoolyard for about 10 minutes until my son was let out. I figured well, if I do get a citation then I will pull my covers, but it never happened, no ticket. I dunno, maybe he just got off duty, had a swell day, maybe he was being "charitable". <shrug> Troopers -1 Techie - 1.
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      09-13-2013, 07:57 AM   #84

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Good luck fighting it (if you do decide to)... Not sure if I heard it right from a friend in Salisbury, but is it true that the fees for fighting a ticket is almost as much as the ticket itself?
Originally Posted by jtodd_fl View Post
NEFARIOUS would totally rock the dreads if he could.
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      09-13-2013, 08:12 AM   #85
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Originally Posted by techietaichi View Post
Ok, so I'm bouncing off to work around 8:30PM and have been doing so for over 3 years now. I was actually being a good boy that night and wasn't getting too cozy with my accelerator, only going about 70(speed limit's 65) when suddenly "whoop, whoop", damnit a trooper! Shit. The officer walks over, flashlight all in my face, knee against my door, hand conveniently placed between his buckle and sidearm as he's leaning towards me, "How you doin' sir, know why I stopped you?". "Officer, I have no idea and was just about to ask you that", I responded. "License plate" he said. "License plate? What's wrong with it. Damn, did it fall off?!". "Nope. License plate cover, can't see your license plate". "What do you mean? I can see them just fine", I retorted. "Nope, I have to see them from 60 feet away. What you have is illegal". "Illegal? But I just bought them at Auto Zone. If they're illegal to have, why isn't it illegal to sell?". "I don't make the laws sir", he said.

Anyways, I ended up not getting a ticket and he asked me to be sure to remove them when I got a chance. I've yet to do so. I live in Massachusetts and I have a lot of problems with this state. From politics, to taxation, to welfare, to my guns. I mother%&$#'n hate this state and can't wait to head north to NH. This incident just added fuel to the fire. Stopped for a silly ass license plate cover, really? Never mind all the degenerates running about wreaking havoc and being a complete blight on society, let me stop this guy. Who else or what other states suffer this kind of ridiculous bs? Next thing they're going to tell me is a lowered vehicle's illegal or my wheels are too big. Sorry guys, I'm not trying to be a crybaby, but shit like this gets on my damn nerves. Can we all get a little something in return for the huge amount of taxes we pay?!
I know you fee angry when you get pulled over and everyone else is violating laws.
But to be very frank, I hate it when license plates cover the license number.
The cop was nice, he just asked you to fix it. The number should be visible to read from some distance.
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      09-13-2013, 04:19 PM   #86
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Originally Posted by SharkBait View Post
This. There's really only one reason people put these covers on and cops know it. Keep it on there and it will happen again.

That said, the REAL crime here is having a license plate that has "SHNELL" written on it.
lol...i know "schnell" means fast in German but i had to google what "shnell" meant.

evidently (according to Urban Dictionary), a "shnell" is a "lying or deceiving person, usually fat."


i guess TS has a self-depreciating sense of humor (or something).
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      09-13-2013, 04:31 PM   #87
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Originally Posted by techietaichi View Post
huge amount of taxes we pay?!
In Massachusetts? Pluuheeeez. My friend has a mansion in Brookline--a house like that would be easily 60k+ in NY, 50k in NJ. He pays a fraction of that. Move closer to civilization and see what real taxes are like lol
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      09-13-2013, 04:32 PM   #88
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Originally Posted by techwhiz View Post
Several cities are removing the red light cameras because they actually make the roads unsafe. More rear end accidents.
That's bogus, unless municipalities have shortened the yellows.
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