Originally Posted by ericfox11
This comment does make a lot of sense...do others agree with this? If this is the case, it might be that getting the 5" (closer to stock size) inter coolers are the best in between for better performance while not adding additional lag. I hate lag, so I wouldn't want a bigger one if this comment is true.
No, not with a 5" fmic, not with your car, just no. Nope. Just because you can theorize it doesn't mean it's real.
You probably have a boost leak or the car just needs some time to adapt. There should never be any power loss with an intercooler upgrade.
2007 E90, 6MT, VRSF 7" FMIC, RR DP's, Vargas Stage 2+ (19t unclipped), CP-e Charge Pipe/Tial BOV, BMS DCI, Fuel-it! Stg 2 LPFP, E66, 118k+ miles Brentuned