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      12-28-2021, 04:06 PM   #1
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How to avoid or postpone the "Power Bug"

While awaiting work to be over I figured I should put up some information here on the forum. As most of us probably know, a car is never fast enough / powerful enough. You can modify your car like crazy, but then after a month or so of daily driving it, you get used to it and your body physically does too.

The pull that you did at a COMPLETELY LEGAL TO DO SO LOCATION no longer has the same oomph, even though you are putting 500 plus to the wheels. I have found a way to avoid this from getting you down once you get to the amount youre willing to spend on the car. Get a slow car as a second car. Out of the cars in my garage I have the 335is, a 92 miata, and a 05 ex250 ninja. Every time the BMW is not the daily, due to completely uncontrollable circumstances and acts from god, [U]because we all know these cars are camry reliable[U] I daily the miata / the bike. Then after a week or currently, 6 months, the car feels stupid fast like it originally did shortly after mods.

Any other ways to chime in to avoid or live with said "bug?"

p.s. My bad if this is the wrong sub forum for this, I am still a noobie here.
2011 335is 6spd - White with Black Base : 5in VRSF IC / BMS CP Raceport BOV / Arm DP / RB Inlets / JB4 w/ MHD BEF Race / Meth cm10 / Modified CDV / BMS DCI / Stage 2 LPFP / Spec 3+ Clutch / - RB 2+ Turbos SHE LIVES \ Ew @ Comic Sans
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      12-28-2021, 05:34 PM   #2
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like you said having a second slow car to daily keeps the main car feeling fast and fresh.

but also really ask your yourself if you are getting everything out of the car. Are you the guy who is absolutely pushing the tires to their limits on stock power ? or the guy who does a ton of mods and still leaves the traction control fully on down a twisty road.

once you can outdrive the stock setup then do mods.

if you just do straight line pulls then any car will get old fast.

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      12-28-2021, 10:16 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Humdizzle View Post
like you said having a second slow car to daily keeps the main car feeling fast and fresh.

but also really ask your yourself if you are getting everything out of the car. Are you the guy who is absolutely pushing the tires to their limits on stock power ? or the guy who does a ton of mods and still leaves the traction control fully on down a twisty road.

once you can outdrive the stock setup then do mods.

if you just do straight line pulls then any car will get old fast.
I was just trying to start conversation honestly to meet some people on here lol

I prefer slow car fast vs fast car slow. banging off gears and making noise but going 5 under the limit can feel great more often than sit pinning speed.
still appreciate the speed of a fast car though
2011 335is 6spd - White with Black Base : 5in VRSF IC / BMS CP Raceport BOV / Arm DP / RB Inlets / JB4 w/ MHD BEF Race / Meth cm10 / Modified CDV / BMS DCI / Stage 2 LPFP / Spec 3+ Clutch / - RB 2+ Turbos SHE LIVES \ Ew @ Comic Sans
1992 NA6 Smurf miata - pretty much dead / parting out
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      12-28-2021, 10:22 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Navykiller View Post
While awaiting work to be over I figured I should put up some information here on the forum. As most of us probably know, a car is never fast enough / powerful enough. You can modify your car like crazy, but then after a month or so of daily driving it, you get used to it and your body physically does too.

The pull that you did at a COMPLETELY LEGAL TO DO SO LOCATION no longer has the same oomph, even though you are putting 500 plus to the wheels. I have found a way to avoid this from getting you down once you get to the amount youre willing to spend on the car. Get a slow car as a second car. Out of the cars in my garage I have the 335is, a 92 miata, and a 05 ex250 ninja. Every time the BMW is not the daily, due to completely uncontrollable circumstances and acts from god, [U]because we all know these cars are camry reliable[U] I daily the miata / the bike. Then after a week or currently, 6 months, the car feels stupid fast like it originally did shortly after mods.

Any other ways to chime in to avoid or live with said "bug?"

p.s. My bad if this is the wrong sub forum for this, I am still a noobie here.
Racing, because you see how little having power actually means and how much more important carrying speed in turns is. Things I'm doing to get faster: tires, e-diff calibration, camber/alignment, brake pads, etc.
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      12-28-2021, 11:10 PM   #5
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Take that car to a track and you'll realize it's probably more power than you can handle.

Once you get into cars pushing 500HP you'll realize the itch for "more" stops and it becomes all about getting better at what you have. The car isn't the limit at that point, you are.

Speaking from my own experience...once I hopped into Porsche GT cars and McLaren I realized I'll never need more from the car but have plenty more to get out of myself.
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      12-29-2021, 12:16 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by RM7 View Post
Racing, because you see how little having power actually means and how much more important carrying speed in turns is. Things I'm doing to get faster: tires, e-diff calibration, camber/alignment, brake pads, etc.
Originally Posted by Flacht3 View Post
Take that car to a track and you'll realize it's probably more power than you can handle.

Once you get into cars pushing 500HP you'll realize the itch for "more" stops and it becomes all about getting better at what you have. The car isn't the limit at that point, you are.

Speaking from my own experience...once I hopped into Porsche GT cars and McLaren I realized I'll never need more from the car but have plenty more to get out of myself.
This is especially true in the bike world. I've seen so many guys think they need a 1000cc bike because they "outride" a 600, then get on the track for a trackday and have 250s and 600s blow by them and destroy their lap times. But, not everyone can afford to or has the mental ability to race.

I don't know that the power bug will ever not bite me, but I have calmed down a lot over the years. I used to want full builds and big power and didn't care if it was usable. Now I want usable and balanced power.

But, as stated, driver mod is the best mod you can do to a vehicle. All the power in the world wont make you a faster driver if you don't know how to drive in the first place. Most of the time more power will actually hinder the average drivers ability.
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      12-29-2021, 05:23 AM   #7
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I will agree with the majority here on a slower car that you can maximize is much more fun than a fast car you are scared of.

I am actually going to get into autocross and open track days this summer hopefully, but with a slow rx8. Should be a ton of fun.
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      12-29-2021, 06:33 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Fickert View Post
I will agree with the majority here on a slower car that you can maximize is much more fun than a fast car you are scared of.

I am actually going to get into autocross and open track days this summer hopefully, but with a slow rx8. Should be a ton of fun.
fantastic car to do it in. they have appreciated for some reason even though their engine was.. well.. it was something...

for track, they handle great and are relatively cheap to run sans engine because they are light. I believe 2007 and earlier had traction control as an option, but i think touring pre s2 2009(?) did not have LSD.

plus I love the clamshell doors. I was originally going to buy one over the miata
2011 335is 6spd - White with Black Base : 5in VRSF IC / BMS CP Raceport BOV / Arm DP / RB Inlets / JB4 w/ MHD BEF Race / Meth cm10 / Modified CDV / BMS DCI / Stage 2 LPFP / Spec 3+ Clutch / - RB 2+ Turbos SHE LIVES \ Ew @ Comic Sans
1992 NA6 Smurf miata - pretty much dead / parting out
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      12-29-2021, 10:31 AM   #9
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+1 to having both a 'slow' car and your BMW.

I'll note, as previously mentioned: making our 2020 Miata go fast is harder than the 2017 M3. Makes you really think about how power covers driver inadequacy. Pinning the MX5 will rarely get me in trouble, and make me really appreciate pinning the M3's throttle each and every time.
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      12-29-2021, 11:12 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Navykiller View Post
fantastic car to do it in. they have appreciated for some reason even though their engine was.. well.. it was something...

for track, they handle great and are relatively cheap to run sans engine because they are light. I believe 2007 and earlier had traction control as an option, but i think touring pre s2 2009(?) did not have LSD.

plus I love the clamshell doors. I was originally going to buy one over the miata
It's crazy how you look in the engine bay of an RX8 and there's nothing but about a 1 cubic foot square "engine". The car is crazy light and capable of crazy good autocross times/racing. AutoX is all about carrying speed in the turns. It ain't slow.
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      12-29-2021, 12:22 PM   #11

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Originally Posted by RM7 View Post
It's crazy how you look in the engine bay of an RX8 and there's nothing but about a 1 cubic foot square "engine". The car is crazy light and capable of crazy good autocross times/racing. AutoX is all about carrying speed in the turns. It ain't slow.
It may not be slow on an autocross, but on a good size road course track, Miata's are often as fast. We call them "the torqueless wonders" at VIR.

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      12-29-2021, 12:28 PM   #12

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Originally Posted by Flacht3 View Post
Take that car to a track and you'll realize it's probably more power than you can handle.

Once you get into cars pushing 500HP you'll realize the itch for "more" stops and it becomes all about getting better at what you have. The car isn't the limit at that point, you are.

Speaking from my own experience...once I hopped into Porsche GT cars and McLaren I realized I'll never need more from the car but have plenty more to get out of myself.
This x 1000

Taking a car to a road course is the quickest way to cure the power bug. Of course, then it gets replaced with the "track time" bug, or the "tire budget" bug, or the "better suspension" bug, or the "big brake kit" bug.

Then some kid in a Miata can keep pace with you through the twistiness, and you realize that the biggest thing you got to work on is the nut between the steering wheel and the driver's seat back.

Humbling and helpful at the same time.

Try that.

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      12-30-2021, 06:48 AM   #13
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I just drive my DD exclusively until I get the itch, then hop into something fun. It definitely works. In my opinion, 350-400whp on a typical street car is the sweet spot between wanting more power and not being able to use all of it very often. I usually don't drive faster than 90mph though, not worth it.
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      01-02-2022, 02:41 PM   #14
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Go to the Texas mile events and ask for a ride in a Calvo Viper. You have zero concept of what "fast" or "speed" is.

Or do that and do what I did, build something to compete and get it out of your system.
Oy vey, look at all these shekels
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      01-02-2022, 04:00 PM   #15

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Do what I did, Make the Beemer your slow car. 😉
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      01-02-2022, 04:06 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Navykiller View Post
I was just trying to start conversation honestly to meet some people on here lol

I prefer slow car fast vs fast car slow. banging off gears and making noise but going 5 under the limit can feel great more often than sit pinning speed.
still appreciate the speed of a fast car though
Driving a fast car slow preserves it very well for the fast moments.
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      01-03-2022, 08:00 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by SickGTR View Post
Do what I did, Make the Beemer your slow car. ��
Im gonna go on a limb and say you drive a 1000whp GTR?
Well I cant swing all that moolah, a turbo busa would be more in the realm lol. But I live in Jersey so theres no where I could use all of that.
2011 335is 6spd - White with Black Base : 5in VRSF IC / BMS CP Raceport BOV / Arm DP / RB Inlets / JB4 w/ MHD BEF Race / Meth cm10 / Modified CDV / BMS DCI / Stage 2 LPFP / Spec 3+ Clutch / - RB 2+ Turbos SHE LIVES \ Ew @ Comic Sans
1992 NA6 Smurf miata - pretty much dead / parting out
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      01-03-2022, 08:03 AM   #18

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Originally Posted by Navykiller View Post
Originally Posted by SickGTR View Post
Do what I did, Make the Beemer your slow car. ��
Im gonna go on a limb and say you drive a 1000whp GTR?
Well I cant swing all that moolah, a turbo busa would be more in the realm lol. But I live in Jersey so theres no where I could use all of that.
What part of Jerz you in? I'm south. Yes, I have a GTR and a F-82. Turbo Busa would definitely fill that spot!! I used to love street bikes. Just don't have the balls to ride anymore. All these mother fuckers on their phones. Can't drive for shit as is and texting. I'm out sadly
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      01-03-2022, 09:33 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by SickGTR View Post
What part of Jerz you in? I'm south. Yes, I have a GTR and a F-82. Turbo Busa would definitely fill that spot!! I used to love street bikes. Just don't have the balls to ride anymore. All these mother fuckers on their phones. Can't drive for shit as is and texting. I'm out sadly
Exit 141 . I wouldnt be crazy enough for a turbo busa even in a flat state, dont need to worry about 1 rock just ending it all that quickly.

How far south are you? My mom used to live in browns mills. Whole Hog Cafe is awesome if you havent been js
2011 335is 6spd - White with Black Base : 5in VRSF IC / BMS CP Raceport BOV / Arm DP / RB Inlets / JB4 w/ MHD BEF Race / Meth cm10 / Modified CDV / BMS DCI / Stage 2 LPFP / Spec 3+ Clutch / - RB 2+ Turbos SHE LIVES \ Ew @ Comic Sans
1992 NA6 Smurf miata - pretty much dead / parting out
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      01-03-2022, 10:25 AM   #20

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Originally Posted by Navykiller View Post
Originally Posted by SickGTR View Post
What part of Jerz you in? I'm south. Yes, I have a GTR and a F-82. Turbo Busa would definitely fill that spot!! I used to love street bikes. Just don't have the balls to ride anymore. All these mother fuckers on their phones. Can't drive for shit as is and texting. I'm out sadly
Exit 141 . I wouldnt be crazy enough for a turbo busa even in a flat state, dont need to worry about 1 rock just ending it all that quickly.

How far south are you? My mom used to live in browns mills. Whole Hog Cafe is awesome if you havent been js
South. I'm 15 min from Philly. 50 min from Atlantic City
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      01-03-2022, 01:08 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by RM7 View Post
It's crazy how you look in the engine bay of an RX8 and there's nothing but about a 1 cubic foot square "engine". The car is crazy light and capable of crazy good autocross times/racing. AutoX is all about carrying speed in the turns. It ain't slow.
Yessir, I have one that I unforunately turned into a show car and I doubt it would have much trackability at this point.

but to that yes the engine is literally less that half of the engine bay. Hell I'd say its realistically 1/4 of it lol.
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