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      03-28-2018, 10:59 PM   #1
4 Doors
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Door Edge Protection/Weatherstripping

So first off, I have been having a small water leak on my front passenger door. You may instantly think: "Vapor Barrier BRO!"...but have already been checked and replaced. The issue is my weatherstripping on the door frame itself, the frame, not the door. So it is one piece, and is called the door edge protection based on BMW's parts and part #. I ordered from a quality vendor, and received today. Only issue is that the part I received is not exactly the part. The first photo is what I received, so weatherstripping on the outside (right side) and plastic/rubber on inside (left side/interior side). However, OE for my E90 has the felt on the left/interior side of the strip. Below photo from my car. Does anyone know if there is a different part or is this an "updated" version. How do I get the stock felt part? Anyone have any clues? The part # that I am referring to is BMW-51727247258
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      03-29-2018, 08:40 AM   #2
Wolf 335
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Originally Posted by 4 Doors View Post
"Vapor Barrier BRO!"
This made me laugh

I know that the rubber stripping around the sunroof was updated from felt to rubber. So I'm wondering is this is the case with this as well.

In your photo, is the left rubber side unfoldable or is it a formed tube like the right side?

Now that im looking at this more closely, the felt could be a piece of its own (although realoem doesn't list it as its own piece). If you can go by the dealer and ask them for this part to verify.

Last edited by Wolf 335; 03-29-2018 at 08:48 AM..
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      03-29-2018, 11:06 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Wolf 335 View Post
This made me laugh

I know that the rubber stripping around the sunroof was updated from felt to rubber. So I'm wondering is this is the case with this as well.

In your photo, is the left rubber side unfoldable or is it a formed tube like the right side?

Now that im looking at this more closely, the felt could be a piece of its own (although realoem doesn't list it as its own piece). If you can go by the dealer and ask them for this part to verify.
I just know everyone immediately thinks vapor barrier, as it is very common.

As for the left rubber side, it is unfoldable, seems to be that it will cover the kick panel/trim once on. Has the removable red strip that you remove once put on the frame. Seems a little bit shorter in width than the felt though.

The felt is connected to the weatherstripping, one piece, as I started to remove some to see myself. I went to the dealer to get this part/part # originally; however, ended up going with FCP Euro as it costs less (go figure) and lifetime warranty. Same part # and even OE BMW, didn't buy aftermarket.

Still stumped. I may go back to the dealer today to see if they can verify the part has felt if I order from them.
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      03-29-2018, 11:12 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Wolf 335 View Post
This made me laugh

I know that the rubber stripping around the sunroof was updated from felt to rubber. So I'm wondering is this is the case with this as well.

Oh wow, the felt got replaced? I've been worried about longevity of the felt around the sunroof hole. I want to replace that with rubber now! Should reduce noise and allow me to condition the material.
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      03-29-2018, 11:21 AM   #5
4 Doors
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I am hoping this is not the case for all the felt strips. I actually enjoy the felt around the door frames, it feels/looks to be better quality and more pristine than just rubber. I also cannot fathom replacing one door to rubber, and the other three being felt...I am too fastidious to look at that every day. And I am not replacing all four hahaha.

In terms of the sunroof, rubber makes sense, plus you don't visually see it as much.
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      04-09-2018, 08:38 PM   #6
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So, unfortunately, FCP Euro let me know they ordered a few extra to see if it was a bad part or wrong part, but they received the same ones. They said BMW updated this part and does not sell the original stock-style felt interior-version anymore. I want to say they were great with their customer service and I give them a lot of credit for looking into this further for me.

Still...I am upset at this current stage. I still need to replace my strip, but would like it to look the same as the other doors. I prefer not to replace all 4 ($$$) just to have them look the same. Does anyone have any thoughts on this, or maybe a vendor that sells the "old/stock" style?
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      04-13-2018, 10:52 PM   #7
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Update: I went through my dealership and they went ahead and contacted the BMW distribution center. Unfortunately, there was a revision to the weatherstripping/door edge protection in 2010. So from late 2004-2010 they had the felt (which all of us with an E90 had stock). This part # was 51727164811. Then it was superseded by the current part that does not have the felt, and instead has polyurethane. This part # is 51727247258. So if you are looking for the felt version to match your other doors, search for 51727164811. I have had no luck thus far, but if anyone finds it, please let me know!
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      04-19-2018, 12:30 PM   #8
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I understand the aesthetic concern here, so probably your only option is used/junk yard parts.

That said, BMW could have revised the part as a countermeasure to leaking (or some other phenomenon), so you'd technically be upgrading. Granted, many times these kind of changes are simply a cost reduction item for the OEM.
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      04-20-2018, 09:39 AM   #9

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Or maybe this can help https://www.flockit.com/ a littly DIY will make it that more special
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      04-07-2022, 03:16 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by 4 Doors View Post
So, unfortunately, FCP Euro let me know they ordered a few extra to see if it was a bad part or wrong part, but they received the same ones. They said BMW updated this part and does not sell the original stock-style felt interior-version anymore. I want to say they were great with their customer service and I give them a lot of credit for looking into this further for me.

Still...I am upset at this current stage. I still need to replace my strip, but would like it to look the same as the other doors. I prefer not to replace all 4 ($$$) just to have them look the same. Does anyone have any thoughts on this, or maybe a vendor that sells the "old/stock" style?
can’t thank you enough for this, been looking for the felt one forever and got the last one on ebay!https://www.ebay.com/itm/26493646386...mis&media=COPY
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      04-07-2022, 11:22 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by BPMSport View Post
Originally Posted by 4 Doors View Post
So, unfortunately, FCP Euro let me know they ordered a few extra to see if it was a bad part or wrong part, but they received the same ones. They said BMW updated this part and does not sell the original stock-style felt interior-version anymore. I want to say they were great with their customer service and I give them a lot of credit for looking into this further for me.

Still...I am upset at this current stage. I still need to replace my strip, but would like it to look the same as the other doors. I prefer not to replace all 4 ($$$) just to have them look the same. Does anyone have any thoughts on this, or maybe a vendor that sells the "old/stock" style?
can’t thank you enough for this, been looking for the felt one forever and got the last one on ebay!https://www.ebay.com/itm/264936463862?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=SowKK65NT0S&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=cHAmGnikQn 2&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
I am glad this helped others with the same dilemma!
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