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      07-29-2023, 04:14 PM   #2597
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Originally Posted by Terraphantm View Post
GKE211/213 Level 3 Security Access:
n = 0xa2e246e7e06ec2367fad72e88b27cc1ba86b5f1e75883ccdcf057f678d59908eed179c7ad8a8bce091517bec031cae8cae7e57078474881c8e90a71a7471d001
p = 0xa7290ae765925e072ecaa0c7abb702ca1fd2e9d3c2eb214a341dac01d815d3a3
q = 0xf97367edfba14ebc89dee36257a4804059323bd39bdbe529efcd0bf698d2e80b
e = 7
d = 0x45ceb0ac84c1c0f2c901313f17110e54ff0971e87b8387c5eb025b2c61266285b310366b7c56bdc33847fc77b6c0805c600f5e4dc701379152471d57b85f51db

n = p*q
phi = (p-1)(q-1)
d = inverseModulus(e, phi)
Great work, Terra!

I've been experimenting with the integers above in order to gain a better understanding of how asymmetric RSA keys work. In this example, p > q. I swapped p and q and was able to determine the Chinese remainder theorem (CRT) integers.

dP =

dQ =

qInv =

dP=d mod (p-1)
dQ=d mod (q-1)
qInv=(q^-1) mod p
Decryption using CRT is at least 3X faster.
Alpina B3 Flash/BMS OCC/ER CP/ETS 5/HKS BOV/M3 Control Arms

Last edited by 808AWD325xi; 08-05-2023 at 03:52 PM.. Reason: CRT intergers for wrong key were posted
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      08-21-2023, 10:24 PM   #2598
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This is some interesting stuff. Anybody want to do a DIY how to. I'd love to see how to get into the computer and code the thing.
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      12-19-2023, 06:38 AM   #2599
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Is there any flash file for BMW X5 E70 30sd? Id like alpina flash for it? Is it possible?
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      03-17-2024, 08:07 PM   #2600

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6hp26x tuning

HI, reading alot of really good info (slightly over my head) but wondering if anyone has been able to tune the upshift out of this transmisson in manual mode? thanks in advance.
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      06-05-2024, 10:21 AM   #2601
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Originally Posted by robnitro View Post
For those who want to tune themselves I have found the alpina b5 e60 file which uses the same 6hp26/28 as the v8 and diesel i6 engines. It's for tunerpro use only as I was able to convert the 0da to bin and then aligned to the maps identified in the tunerpro xdf.

The alpina b3 files out there are for 6hp19/21 transmissions and have different pressures and torque limits than 6hp26/28.


here's the xdf with a few extra tcc maps added which are supposedly for the manual modes "tccnt#" which I haven't tested but was pointed out by rjahl.
Hello, can you still share these files ?
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      08-23-2024, 06:05 AM   #2602
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Hello everyone
After some research, I will try to make my contribution.

First of all, I would like to thank all the people who have animated this thread, who have made it evolve and continue, I am not going to mention them all, they will recognize themselves, whether in the efforts to arrive at the xHP solution, or in the sharing of XDF and other Bin or even in the valuable information on the operation of the 6HP transmission.

I have read the 119 pages and therefore the creation of xHP and its twists and turns, I am happy and grateful that this solution exists, I regret some aspects of it and agree with the opinion of some, we are perhaps 1% wanting to do it ourselves, it doesn't cost much to share the information and it doesn't endanger this lucrative business. But that's just my opinion.

After converting my 07 335xi AWD to RWD
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I needed a serious transmission to transmit the power of my build, MT/DCT/8HP were all very expensive, then I had the opportunity to find a 6hp28 of 325d n57 for 300€ near me. I had the idea of making my own flashes using xHP as I already do with MHD for my MSD80.

Unfortunately, after purchasing a flash license, I realized that xHP had locked the process so that I had to purchase a custom pack of cards to unlock the GKE195 with the n54 (total cost €570)
Buying something to unlock my n54/6hp28 combination, almost twice as expensive as the gearbox itself, was difficult to justify, especially since xHP didn't even provide the xDFs with it! (Even though they had committed to doing so in this thread…)
Fortunately, 6 months ago, Bimmertuningtools marketed software for reading and writing the 6HP


I specify that I have no commercial link and am not paid to advertise it, for 36€ (!) we can read any 6HP on any swap, which makes it the perfect “do it yourself” tool.

I am therefore sharing the on the aplina B5 with the rev axes adjusted and the shiftmaps shifted like the latter (if you're ever interested), you just have to change the file extension from .pdf to .rar

Another huge thank you to all the people who continue to share their knowledge and discoveries so that doing it yourself continues!


Last edited by airliner33; 09-02-2024 at 02:58 AM..
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      09-10-2024, 01:36 PM   #2603
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Originally Posted by airliner33 View Post
Hello everyone
After some research, I will try to make my contribution.

First of all, I would like to thank all the people who have animated this thread, who have made it evolve and continue, I am not going to mention them all, they will recognize themselves, whether in the efforts to arrive at the xHP solution, or in the sharing of XDF and other Bin or even in the valuable information on the operation of the 6HP transmission.

I have read the 119 pages and therefore the creation of xHP and its twists and turns, I am happy and grateful that this solution exists, I regret some aspects of it and agree with the opinion of some, we are perhaps 1% wanting to do it ourselves, it doesn't cost much to share the information and it doesn't endanger this lucrative business. But that's just my opinion.

After converting my 07 335xi AWD to RWD

I needed a serious transmission to transmit the power of my build, MT/DCT/8HP were all very expensive, then I had the opportunity to find a 6hp28 of 325d n57 for 300€ near me. I had the idea of making my own flashes using xHP as I already do with MHD for my MSD80.

Unfortunately, after purchasing a flash license, I realized that xHP had locked the process so that I had to purchase a custom pack of cards to unlock the GKE195 with the n54 (total cost €570)
Buying something to unlock my n54/6hp28 combination, almost twice as expensive as the gearbox itself, was difficult to justify, especially since xHP didn't even provide the xDFs with it! (Even though they had committed to doing so in this thread…)
Fortunately, 6 months ago, Bimmertuningtools marketed software for reading and writing the 6HP


I specify that I have no commercial link and am not paid to advertise it, for 36€ (!) we can read any 6HP on any swap, which makes it the perfect “do it yourself” tool.

I am therefore sharing the on the aplina B5 with the rev axes adjusted and the shiftmaps shifted like the latter (if you're ever interested), you just have to change the file extension from .pdf to .rar

Another huge thank you to all the people who continue to share their knowledge and discoveries so that doing it yourself continues!
Hello airliner33,
Thank you and welcome to this awesome forum! It is fantastic to see that this thread is still alive after almost 10 years.
Cheers, Michael
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      09-10-2024, 08:22 PM   #2604
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I am therefore sharing the on the aplina B5 with the rev axes adjusted and the shiftmaps shifted like the latter (if you're ever interested), you just have to change the file extension from .pdf to .rar

So what does this Alpina B5 file do? Not understanding this sentence.
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      10-08-2024, 05:43 AM   #2605
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Hello @Mike
Thank you to you, you are one of the pillars of this thread and it is mainly your efforts that helped me make this swap, I am very grateful to you !

The AlpinaB5 file can help to calculate the pressure values ​​and other tables of the 6HP28 mounted on N62 to their TCU diesel/6hp28
It was my starting point because the differences are important in TCUs and this avoids entering new values ​​at random

Today I am personally restrained by engine surregom alerts sent by the EGS, I am looking for someone who could expand the XDF with these tables in order to no longer have these errors which go up during very huge accelerations.

If someone who has these abilities reads this message ...
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      10-29-2024, 01:06 PM   #2606
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Has anyone figured out how to make the paddle shifter react faster / less delay? Pretty much unusable in D mode
Cars give me headaches.
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      10-29-2024, 04:25 PM   #2607
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XHP has settings to adjust it....mine work pretty quickly.
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      10-29-2024, 05:19 PM   #2608
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Originally Posted by KClemente View Post
Has anyone figured out how to make the paddle shifter react faster / less delay? Pretty much unusable in D mode
Unusable eh! Lol
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      10-30-2024, 11:10 AM   #2609
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Originally Posted by maryjane View Post
XHP has settings to adjust it....mine work pretty quickly.
Trying to see if there is a way for custom tuning for now.

Originally Posted by Brandoch View Post
Unusable eh! Lol
I kid you not, on my X5M there is a whole second of delay when clicking the downshift paddle when in normal D mode. And its even worse when I click downshift twice or thrice.

For example going from 6th to 3rd or 5th to 2nd to accelerate.
Cars give me headaches.
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      12-29-2024, 09:54 AM   #2610

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Found this recently.
It's an alternative to xhp. They also got tools for other ecus etc.
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      12-30-2024, 03:25 AM   #2611
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Indeed, I talk about it in my previous message

For those who follow my 6hp28 adventure, after scouring the forums, Fiver, Facebook and other WhatsApp, I found no one to answer my questions nor explore the 6HP software to discover the limits I was looking for

So I completely decompiled the binary file myself and found a lot of interesting things there! I think I found all the tables I needed and I am currently testing these modifications on my vehicle

I will update the XDF when I am finished, I am thinking in particular of tables that DWR has been looking for for quite a few years.
I can’t wait to share this with you !
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      01-02-2025, 07:29 PM   #2612

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Originally Posted by airliner33 View Post

Indeed, I talk about it in my previous message

For those who follow my 6hp28 adventure, after scouring the forums, Fiver, Facebook and other WhatsApp, I found no one to answer my questions nor explore the 6HP software to discover the limits I was looking for

So I completely decompiled the binary file myself and found a lot of interesting things there! I think I found all the tables I needed and I am currently testing these modifications on my vehicle

I will update the XDF when I am finished, I am thinking in particular of tables that DWR has been looking for for quite a few years.
I can’t wait to share this with you !
How are you dealing with code compression? When I'm trying to disassemble some 6hp28 bins I found, it became evident that some pages with code were compressed. I also saw something like "BOSCH AE/EWG TC19.11 MPC562 CC_ON " which seems to indicate that code compression is ON.
Perhaps some of the pages with refs to interesting tables are not compressed?
P.S. It looks like you were looking at the dumps produced by Dave205t's tool, I guess these might be uncompressed?
09 328i TiAg 6MT barebones with sport package

Last edited by fastboatster; 01-02-2025 at 09:15 PM..
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      01-03-2025, 06:12 AM   #2613
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I have not yet managed to decompress the BMW file, I just explode the binary file read by Quickflash into 2 Byte values

I managed to identify the 1 Byte and 4 Bytes maps by their shapes

For the moment, I believe I have identified :
- Maximum engine speed for automatic gear change D/S/M
- Overspeed warning threshold
- Maximum rotation speed of the gearbox shaft for automatic gear change D/S//M

I'm testing them right now and I can already tell you that I brought my 6hp28 to over 7000 rpm...

But the rest is very difficult to realign and for the moment I have not managed to have a 100% stable file for my n54/6hp28, I work hard every day on it...
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      01-03-2025, 02:05 PM   #2614

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Originally Posted by airliner33 View Post
I have not yet managed to decompress the BMW file, I just explode the binary file read by Quickflash into 2 Byte values

I managed to identify the 1 Byte and 4 Bytes maps by their shapes

For the moment, I believe I have identified :
- Maximum engine speed for automatic gear change D/S/M
- Overspeed warning threshold
- Maximum rotation speed of the gearbox shaft for automatic gear change D/S//M

I'm testing them right now and I can already tell you that I brought my 6hp28 to over 7000 rpm...

But the rest is very difficult to realign and for the moment I have not managed to have a 100% stable file for my n54/6hp28, I work hard every day on it...
Got it. Still very useful approach, but like you said, some things are next to impossible to find by looking for the map shapes. One of the reasons when (or rather if, not sure this is going to happen, not sure I want to stick to e9x platform for much longer) I get my car to the point where it will need a better transmission, $1k+ for CANTCU won't look like too much to spend. 8 speed doesn't have this useless code compression and is more amenable to analysis.
09 328i TiAg 6MT barebones with sport package
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