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      09-03-2020, 05:19 PM   #2531
King Rudi
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Originally Posted by JP10 View Post
Fuck it, at your age head to the doctor, get your testosterone checked and say you want to go on TRT. More so a joke, but I think every middle age guy should have blood work done just to see where your numbers are at. If your test is low, it may be the reason it is tough to put on muscle.

Disclaimer: I'm in no way calling you old lol
Shit brother, I'm old. I only got/getting better with age. A friend of mine is a pharmacist and he mentioned getting put on some testosterone. I may just go see the doc next week.
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      09-03-2020, 07:06 PM   #2532
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Originally Posted by JP10 View Post

I wouldn't recommend working out each day unless you are certain your body can handle it. I've been very physically active for near 10yrs now, so my body is use to the beating. Sounds like you have a good routine figured out!

I've tried to get my fiance to use weights, but she is always concerned that using weights will make her more muscular. I keep trying to tell her that if you keep reps high an weight moderate it will tone, but she doesn't believe me. It has been an uphill battle lol. Regardless, she is lucky because she has a great metabolism and doesn't feel the need to workout.

Send some of that weather this way, it is 94 and feels like 108 haha
I've worked out pretty consistently since 2004. The types of work outs I've done have varied but it's always been something. I could push myself & can handle it but don't find that it benefits me. I hope that makes sense.

I don't use heavy weights. Don't laugh but I'm on 8lbs currently (not because I can't do more) but I do high reps just like you said above. I build muscle very easy and don't want that man look. I remember working with a trainer who had me on heavy weight sets and my thighs got so toned & ripped they would barely fit in my jeans. I don't like that look at all.

That temp was early this morning, believe me in South Louisiana we had that heat today. I'm over it

I'm not a diet person either. I believe life style changes have benefitted me the most. For instance, I did a 40 day no added sugar (could do honey, coconut sugar, stevia leaf extract, no caffeine (never really drink it) & no alcohol. I didn't realize how much sugar I was consuming & had this little bloat in the lower ab area. That went away & I've been pretty consistent with no added sugar ever since. I do treat myself if I have a craving or out for dinner.
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      09-04-2020, 08:07 AM   #2533
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Originally Posted by GrussGott View Post
yeah, the downside to keto is less energy in the gym (because once you burn through your muscle and liver glycogen your liver has to mobilize fat) - though many claim the actual muscle gains are = or > and the overall lifestyle wins, but obviously it's a super individual thing. Plus to really get metabolically settled I think it takes at least 6 months, and to get "medically" settled can take 2 years (i.e., your testing all comes back in range).

Plus when it comes to "weight" we gotta remember that every gram of carb needs X grams of water - this is the "water weight". So people that go on keto immediately pee out all that water as their body burns up those carbs and dumps the water. When I first did keto I lost 10 lbs in 2 days!

If you live near a major city you probably can find a sports clinic that'll do a Dexascan on you for like $150. This is important if you're experimenting with diet because a series will tell you three big things:

* How much muscle do you really have? Are you actually gaining? How much and from what where?
* How much body fat do you have?
* How much visceral fat do you have?

The last one is really important because even ripped dudes can have super low "pinchable" fat, but high visceral fat, the kind around your organs behind your abs that comes from eating too many carbs. This is the deadly fat - it's likely the cause of the skinny-fitness-nut-who-had-a-heart attack stories.

Anyway, on the metabolic set point, yes our bodies like to maintain the weight we're at so if we overeat a little the body turns up the furnace and if we undereat a little the body taps into fat stores. It's why people with a fairly set caloric intake can have that big Thanksgiving meal and not have additional fat a week later.

Resetting a low set point is really tough: you gotta overeat and gain fat to reset. it can be managed but it can be tricky, which is why keto is so much easier for most people, and why the Biggest Loser people always gain back their weight.

To lose body fat, most are usually better off keeping their calories fairly normal and switching to keto.
Interesting, might have to do some reading. The human body is so fascinating. If I didn't go the career route I did, I'd be interested in getting into bioengineering or biomechanical engineering. I think in another post you had mentioned the visceral fat, that is a little concerning. Might have to look into a scan one of these days.

Originally Posted by King Rudi View Post
Shit brother, I'm old. I only got/getting better with age. A friend of mine is a pharmacist and he mentioned getting put on some testosterone. I may just go see the doc next week.
I think it is definitely worth checking out. I'm still young and want kids, but after I get through that stage of life I'd definitely be looking into it. As long as you have a good doctor, who is well versed in the subject and doses you correctly, the health benefits are great. Now if you get a shady doctor who over doses you, without proper estrogen management, then you can run into some issues.

Originally Posted by rebekahb View Post
I've worked out pretty consistently since 2004. The types of work outs I've done have varied but it's always been something. I could push myself & can handle it but don't find that it benefits me. I hope that makes sense.

I don't use heavy weights. Don't laugh but I'm on 8lbs currently (not because I can't do more) but I do high reps just like you said above. I build muscle very easy and don't want that man look. I remember working with a trainer who had me on heavy weight sets and my thighs got so toned & ripped they would barely fit in my jeans. I don't like that look at all.

That temp was early this morning, believe me in South Louisiana we had that heat today. I'm over it

I'm not a diet person either. I believe life style changes have benefitted me the most. For instance, I did a 40 day no added sugar (could do honey, coconut sugar, stevia leaf extract, no caffeine (never really drink it) & no alcohol. I didn't realize how much sugar I was consuming & had this little bloat in the lower ab area. That went away & I've been pretty consistent with no added sugar ever since. I do treat myself if I have a craving or out for dinner.
8lb dumbbells is probably all you need, maybe a little heavier like 20lbs if you ever want to do chest/shoulder press workouts. My fiance had the same concern in regards to the "man look", she is a tad broad in the shoulders (looks great regardless, she just doesn't have a "petite" frame, that's why I'm marrying her - looking for some freak athlete children lol!).

I like the toned thigh look! But comfort can't be overlooked, so completely understand. I remember when I was at my strongest & heaviest,
I noticed my mobility dwindled, and I thought to myself "if I am struggling, even a little bit, to tie my shoes then this can't be healthy" lol.

Takes some will power to go 40days without what you had mentioned. I don't think I could do it.
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      09-04-2020, 09:48 AM   #2534
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Takes some will power to go 40days without what you had mentioned. I don't think I could do it.

THIS. Been trying to out-lift my eating for almost 40 years, just doesn't work
I have romped on her and I giggled like a drunk infant the entire time. - Sedan_Clan
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      09-04-2020, 10:10 AM   #2535
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Originally Posted by UncleWede View Post
Takes some will power to go 40days without what you had mentioned. I don't think I could do it.

THIS. Been trying to out-lift my eating for almost 40 years, just doesn't work
It was HARD! I bitched, moaned, and complained the first week and a half. I didn't want to lean into change but it was a great experience. This was with my hot yoga studio at the time so we were doing yoga 6 days a week as well. Living in New Orleans, we have a party for everything & was worried about the drinking but I did really well. It didn't bother me like I thought it would. I also think doing it as a challenge with the yoga studio made it easier.

JP10 I'm broad shouldered as well with an athletic build (I guess slim but toned). I will work my way up on weights as I don't strain to finish my sets. Just turning 40, my stomach is the flattest (was never fat just not where I wanted it) it's ever been & it's nice to see the hard work pay off.
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      09-04-2020, 12:04 PM   #2536
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See, while King Rudi and I are about the same height, I'm big boned
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I have romped on her and I giggled like a drunk infant the entire time. - Sedan_Clan
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      09-04-2020, 04:05 PM   #2537
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Originally Posted by JP10 View Post
I think in another post you had mentioned the visceral fat, that is a little concerning. Might have to look into a scan one of these days.
Some people (small %) are genetically predisposed to visceral fat and there's a blood test a doc can run to see (treatment is low dose lithium!)

However it's mostly seen in people with metabolic disorders from poor lifestyle (lots of high glycemic foods like soda, rice, etc) - the reason is because it's your liver that does everything; it more/less controls all your fat storage, lipids, etc.

Foods like rice, bread, sugar, oatmeal! etc trigger blood sugar spikes: if you've just done a huge *full body* workout that's ok because all that energy replenishes the energy stores in your muscles and liver ... but if you haven't, all those fast digesting carbs go right to your liver which has to get rid of them fast because of the backlog - so it does the most efficient thing: creates visceral fat right next to the liver.

Low BF dudes can be susceptible though and can get high visceral fat because they get used to eating high GI foods with post-workout shakes and don't see a problem because they have low pinchable fat; only it's all behind their abs. Best way to find out is an MRI or Dexascan.

The easiest way to get rid of visceral fat - and keep it off - is fasted workouts & keto or at least eliminating any blood sugar spiking foods / drinks - and, ideally, anything with fructose or alcohol because those go directly to your liver for storage (i.e., the infamous solid beer belly is visceral fat).

It's like anything - if you just did a full body workout (even just burpees for 20 min) you can tolerate more high gi foods ... if you didn't workout today and haven't done much full body work lately and it's nighttime, a high GI meal probably isn't the best idea.
Originally Posted by TurtleBoy View Post
He tries to draw people into inane arguments, some weird pastime of his.
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      09-09-2020, 07:49 AM   #2538
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Originally Posted by GrussGott View Post
Some people (small %) are genetically predisposed to visceral fat and there's a blood test a doc can run to see (treatment is low dose lithium!)

However it's mostly seen in people with metabolic disorders from poor lifestyle (lots of high glycemic foods like soda, rice, etc) - the reason is because it's your liver that does everything; it more/less controls all your fat storage, lipids, etc.

Foods like rice, bread, sugar, oatmeal! etc trigger blood sugar spikes: if you've just done a huge *full body* workout that's ok because all that energy replenishes the energy stores in your muscles and liver ... but if you haven't, all those fast digesting carbs go right to your liver which has to get rid of them fast because of the backlog - so it does the most efficient thing: creates visceral fat right next to the liver.

Low BF dudes can be susceptible though and can get high visceral fat because they get used to eating high GI foods with post-workout shakes and don't see a problem because they have low pinchable fat; only it's all behind their abs. Best way to find out is an MRI or Dexascan.

The easiest way to get rid of visceral fat - and keep it off - is fasted workouts & keto or at least eliminating any blood sugar spiking foods / drinks - and, ideally, anything with fructose or alcohol because those go directly to your liver for storage (i.e., the infamous solid beer belly is visceral fat).

It's like anything - if you just did a full body workout (even just burpees for 20 min) you can tolerate more high gi foods ... if you didn't workout today and haven't done much full body work lately and it's nighttime, a high GI meal probably isn't the best idea.
Blah, sounds like I am doing everything wrong and am going to die from having too much visceral fat. I workout from 5:15-6:45am each morning eat very little from 7am to 5pm. Just a protein shake (200calories) and small lunch (500-600 calories). The majority of my calories are consumed between 5pm and 8pm. If I were to guess, I'd say an average of 1200-1400 calories during that span, and a lot of times these are carb rich foods although I try to minimalism that to an extent. Also drink an average amount over the weekends, never during the week days. Maybe somewhere around 10-15 drinks throughout the weekend. Now side note, each day I am fairly active. My garmin always has me around 3000 calories burned each day, 12000-15000 steps (think I hit 24000 over the weekend one day). So that is probably helping me to an extent, but still a lot of what you mentioned I do haha. Gotta look into checking that out.

Side note, leg day this morning whooped my ass. Vacation starts Saturday, so haven't eaten much the last few days. Hoping to be under 180 by then, we will see!
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      09-14-2020, 03:44 AM   #2539
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Speaking of squats ...
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He tries to draw people into inane arguments, some weird pastime of his.
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      09-14-2020, 04:36 PM   #2540
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cycled off creatine for 2 weeks now and my workouts are still intense but i can't lift as heavy. trying to shed some of this fluff off and i know the creatine has a lot to do with it. debating whether to cycle back on since what's the point since summer is over and the winter is upon us?
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      09-14-2020, 06:05 PM   #2541
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Originally Posted by lsturbointeg View Post
cycled off creatine for 2 weeks now and my workouts are still intense but i can't lift as heavy. trying to shed some of this fluff off and i know the creatine has a lot to do with it. debating whether to cycle back on since what's the point since summer is over and the winter is upon us?

Try just using this - I take it before I workout. I no longer feel bloated, I no longer feel that inorganic level of energy, no more anxiety about taking creatine or not, and no more mood swings - I know that's a topic of much debate, but certain creatines would have me feeling aggressive!

This stuff - none of that.

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Originally Posted by GrussGott View Post
Sounds pizzagatey.
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      09-18-2020, 10:41 AM   #2542
King Rudi
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Gents, the 4 month cut ended on Tuesday. I originally did not intend to go for another month, but I was so close to finally being completely rid of the last belly fat that I continued for as long as I could. I got crazy lean but still have the belly fat. In all fairness, some of it is loose skin; but it drives me crazy. I'm straight up shredded everywhere except around my belly button. Wrinkly loose skin and about 3-5 pounds of fat stuck in there that no matter how hard I work it doesn't go away. I've cut down to ridiculous daily caloric intake at times, increased cardio (number and length of sessions) and my diet is pretty much spot on as far as macros go. I'm at a loss here. The only thing that I can figure is that due to age, my skins elasticity simply isn't going to work here. After doing a ton of research, I'm afraid that plastic surgery is the only way to get the flat stomach I'm after. Break down of how lean I currently am - I'll not disclose actual weight as some of your wives weigh more than I do right now. I'm single digit body fat, biometric scan done two weeks ago and it was 8.3% then; I'm guessing I'm around the 6 range right now. This is why I can't figure out how I still have belly fat. I assumed it would be gone around the 10% range. This is also what leads me to believe surgery is my only option left on the belly fat. I'm extremely vascular at the moment. The big veins that run across the pecs are clearly visible. Had someone ask the other day if I had a six-pack. It's beyond six-pack at this point (aside from the skin around the belly button); the veins in my obliques are visible. V-cut is full on and you can see nearly every striation of every muscle. My arms look like a damn road map.

Frustrated as I am about not being able to end this cut with a completely flat stomach, I feel like I have no other option but to bulk all winter and start a cut again in March.

Coming off a cut, I realize I need to add calories slowly until I get to my bulk caloric intake. I also realize I need to cut back on protein intake (currently at 1.25g/ lb) and increase my carbs......again, slowly as to reduce the fat that I know I'm going to pick up on this bulk. Other than increasing calories, increasing weight and intensity, what other advice do you guys have on bulking?

I figure if I can't get any leaner and do it in a healthy way, I'll big as fuck and see what happens. I mean, if I don't like it, I can always cut back on my nutrition and lose the mass later if I want.

Originally Posted by lsturbointeg View Post
cycled off creatine for 2 weeks now and my workouts are still intense but i can't lift as heavy. trying to shed some of this fluff off and i know the creatine has a lot to do with it. debating whether to cycle back on since what's the point since summer is over and the winter is upon us?
I keep hearing people talking about water weight, bloating and fluff with creatine. I don't experience any of that. I take 5g daily after each workout with a protein shake and a bowl of oatmeal. I've yet to feel any bloating, mood swings, etc.
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      09-18-2020, 10:50 AM   #2543
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Down 20lbs not sure from where look close to same to me.
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      09-19-2020, 03:59 AM   #2544
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Did legs today wearing a pair of lace up vans instead of my typical adidas, amazing what a difference shoes make. I've known this for a while but I haven't practiced it out of stubbornness I guess. Anyway - was a able to lift more and felt way more solid. Invested in wrist wraps and some new shorts for running that are supposed to be the best. It's the little things.
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Originally Posted by GrussGott View Post
Sounds pizzagatey.
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      09-20-2020, 10:01 AM   #2545
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In the gym the other day. Noticed an old guy working on the Smith and pec machines. He was doing what most of the people his age was doing at my gym....doing way too much weight with poor form/lack of full range of motion.

I reflect a little as I'm going to be the big five O this year. I compare how I am now to when I was 25 years younger. I know I was much bigger and stronger back then. I set a goal to get near that again but realistically know I will probably never achieve that level of fitness/strength again. I just don't understand the mentality of people when they're that old and do things in the gym which are not affecting any positive change to their bodies. The worst part is these older people are risking serious injuries by trying to re-live their youth.
Originally Posted by Lups View Post
We might not be in an agreement on Trump, but I'll be the first penis chaser here to say I'll rather take it up in the ass than to argue with you on this.
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      09-21-2020, 07:54 AM   #2546
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Back from vacation finally. I think I lost weight from drinking so much, hanging right around 180lbs. Full body soreness the last two days, think it is from being dehydrated. Also, not sure if anyone has played spikeball before, but my shoulders are absolutely trashed from that game. I think I played for like 4-5hrs on Friday.

Anyways, back in the gym this morning. Usually coming back from vacation I will go at things a little more light for the first week. So this morning was back/triceps. Probably only 30 mins of actual lifting time, around 45mins of cardio. Debating which route I want to take as far as lean or bulk. I have about 8 months now until the wedding, so the option is there to bulk. Getting overly comfortable being this lean though, feel better all around too, only down side it is it is starting to get cold and I am drastically colder then usual!
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      09-21-2020, 08:12 AM   #2547
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Life has completely stressed me out as of late. Three weeks, non-stop as hard and as fast as I can go, work, gym, girlfriend, 4 hours of sleep, rinse & repeat. Weekends have consisted of helping the girlfriend paint her house, cleaning my house, mowing, fixing random home owner shit and still going in to work & gym on the weekends. I'm spent and mentally frustrated......and all I can think about is getting this day over, getting to the gym and decimating my chest.
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      09-21-2020, 08:44 AM   #2548
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Originally Posted by King Rudi View Post
Life has completely stressed me out as of late. Three weeks, non-stop as hard and as fast as I can go, work, gym, girlfriend, 4 hours of sleep, rinse & repeat. Weekends have consisted of helping the girlfriend paint her house, cleaning my house, mowing, fixing random home owner shit and still going in to work & gym on the weekends. I'm spent and mentally frustrated......and all I can think about is getting this day over, getting to the gym and decimating my chest.
This was basically me before my vacation, feel pretty good now. Ever think to change your schedule up? Not sure if you're a morning person, but going to the gym in the morning has made me feel like my days are longer, with more time to relax after work.

Typical day:
Up 4:40am
Gym 5:10-6:45am
Work 7-5pm
Home by 5:30 - Usually will take care of any chores right when I get home
Usually relaxing by 7-7:30
Bed by 10-10:30 (I try to get at least 6 hrs, I can function on less, but this keeps me at my peak)

When I went to the gym after work it felt like I had no time to relax afterwards and I would feel rushed/lack of motivation in the gym. Regardless I like to be at work from 7-5pm so I wouldn't get home until near 7pm which would feel brutal. Some days I work much later then 5pm as well, and I hate missing the gym.

Just my 2cents though!
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      09-21-2020, 11:46 AM   #2549
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Originally Posted by JP10 View Post
This was basically me before my vacation, feel pretty good now. Ever think to change your schedule up? Not sure if you're a morning person, but going to the gym in the morning has made me feel like my days are longer, with more time to relax after work.

Typical day:
Up 4:40am
Gym 5:10-6:45am
Work 7-5pm
Home by 5:30 - Usually will take care of any chores right when I get home
Usually relaxing by 7-7:30
Bed by 10-10:30 (I try to get at least 6 hrs, I can function on less, but this keeps me at my peak)

When I went to the gym after work it felt like I had no time to relax afterwards and I would feel rushed/lack of motivation in the gym. Regardless I like to be at work from 7-5pm so I wouldn't get home until near 7pm which would feel brutal. Some days I work much later then 5pm as well, and I hate missing the gym.

Just my 2cents though!
I have considered this, but my schedule revolves more around the girlfriends schedule than my own because she has kids. I'm also at work at 6 am. In order for me to gym first thing in the morning, I'd have to get up at 3. It would free up some time in the evening by doing this, but considering the girlfriends kids don't get in bed til around 8:30 pm, that would still leave me getting home around 10:30 - 11:00 pm and getting up at 3.....yeah, I can't do it. Free time in the evening versus sex every night.......I'll go with the sex.
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      09-21-2020, 01:12 PM   #2550
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Originally Posted by King Rudi View Post
I have considered this, but my schedule revolves more around the girlfriends schedule than my own because she has kids. I'm also at work at 6 am. In order for me to gym first thing in the morning, I'd have to get up at 3. It would free up some time in the evening by doing this, but considering the girlfriends kids don't get in bed til around 8:30 pm, that would still leave me getting home around 10:30 - 11:00 pm and getting up at 3.....yeah, I can't do it. Free time in the evening versus sex every night.......I'll go with the sex.
Yeah starting a 6am would put a wrench in that for me, unless you're like Rmtt and only need 1 hour of sleep to be functional haha.
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      09-21-2020, 01:31 PM   #2551
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Originally Posted by JP10 View Post
Yeah starting a 6am would put a wrench in that for me, unless you're like Rmtt and only need 1 hour of sleep to be functional haha.
Nah, F that!!! Anything less than 6-7 for me and I'm catatonic all day......which explains my mental disposition; it's usually 4 a day. The sex is sooooo worth it though.
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      09-21-2020, 09:41 PM   #2552
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Damn I’m late to this thread. Copy/pasting these from another forum - gotta keep myself accountable here.

Starting from last week:

Shot up to 191 lbs earlier in lockdown. Lots of body weight stuff (pushups, pull-ups, squats / lunges, etc) shaved back down to 183 (no cardio / running though just paddleboarding and golfing).

First day back in the gym yesterday, did legs.

6 sets of squats
5x10 sets of deadlift
5X10 sets of lunges
5x10+20 supersets of half-squats + calf raises
5x10 sets of leg extensions
5x10 sets of leg curls
5x10 sets of hip thrusts
5x20 sets of leg press

Feels great to be sore again.


Back day

6x10 High row
5x10 Reverse fly
5x10 lat Pulldown
3x12 low row
4x10 seated cable row


Chest day

6x10 flat bench
5x10 incline bench
5x10 decline bench
5x10 flys
5x10 tricep extensions


Shoulders day

5x10 iso press
5x10/10/20 super set: upright rows, overhead press, shrugs (same barbell)
5x10 barbell shrugs (from deadlift)
5x10 tricep split pulldown (rope w/ pull apart at the end of rep for the split)
5x10 delt raises
5x10 overhead press


Just finished shoulder day. Unfortunately all the cardio machines at my gym are closed off and I don’t have a treadmill at home and between smoke and protests and whatnot I haven’t been running outside or anything for cardio.

I do mix in dumbbells at home for arms + Hanging leg lifts off my pull-up bar for a bit of abs.
Appreciate 0


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