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      09-23-2011, 04:35 PM   #243

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Originally Posted by dzenno View Post
LOL how the heck did you relate what I said above to me turning off misfire detection? wow

Yes, I'm also the same guy that runs Okada coils and NGK plugs, how weird is that? I also take shit 3 times a day! lol

That has absolutely no relevance here I'm sorry
you said quote on quote to want to see TRUE logs!

but yet you had cobb hide your misfire codes.

so you wanna see what you wanna see.

its pretty simple to see the relation in this !

your extended comments bashing procede and shiv have NO relevance in this thread.

with any proced/shiv thread its obvious that your main goal in these threads is to come in here and try to bash and discredit procede and shiv.

When in all truth if shiv made you a tune that hides those codes like cobb did, you would still be running a procede...
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      09-23-2011, 04:38 PM   #244

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Originally Posted by dzenno View Post
There's something just wrong and personally annoying with that comment from Shiv though...how is it that if there's a known passive retard of 2 degrees up top that the "ACTUAL" ignition advance logged by the procede still logs full timing at 14-14.5deg at redline...with the procede wired in, given what Shiv posted, it shouldn't mechanically be possible to hit even 13deg at redline due to the passive retard that's inherently there due to hardware! wtf!? Is this another one of those things where procede is just making the logs look happy but in reality the picture is different?

I'm just glad I'm not running it anymore seriously...shit like that would always fucking bug the life out of me...i expect logs to show a true picture as I rely on them 100% always...so far I personally witnessed a screwup in AFR calcs being too generous (richer than in reality) and now this?? wow!
This is a little disappointing Dzenno. If you took the time to log actual timing and ignition correction with a Rev2, you will IN FACT see that this passive retard shown. It is not hidden. And let's not forget the fact that after adding a Flash+JB4 AND RB turbos, you are still running as fast as you did with stock turbos and a Rev2 Procede last year. If you are happy with things now, great. Plus please don't spread misinformation. You spread enough with your misfire problems and how you unfairly blamed it on the Procede.
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      09-23-2011, 04:40 PM   #245

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Originally Posted by Bmw135er View Post
Lol! Do you think about piggyback timing control when you do it? If not, this is irrelevant- but so is this thread. Hahahaha
I don't hate piggies and that's the point here...i hate misleading shit and that gives me diarrhea LOL
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      09-23-2011, 04:41 PM   #246

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Originally Posted by shiv@vishnu View Post
This is a little disappointing Dzenno. If you took the time to log actual timing and ignition correction with a Rev2, you will IN FACT see that this passive retard shown. It is not hidden.
I've logged many times with IC set to zero with rev2. I can post some logs if you like. Actual ignition advance goes to 14-14.5deg at redline...with 2 deg induced passive retard it shouldn't hit higher than 12.5...what did I miss?
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      09-23-2011, 04:42 PM   #247
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Originally Posted by Jeff@topgearsolutions View Post
Maybe its a European thing then (still doesn't make it right).
Amen. In the end, we're all enthusiasts.
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      09-23-2011, 04:44 PM   #248

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Originally Posted by shiv@vishnu View Post
This is a little disappointing Dzenno. If you took the time to log actual timing and ignition correction with a Rev2, you will IN FACT see that this passive retard shown. It is not hidden. And let's not forget the fact that after adding a Flash+JB4 AND RB turbos, you are still running as fast as you did with stock turbos and a Rev2 Procede last year. If you are happy with things now, great. Plus please don't spread misinformation. You spread enough with your misfire problems and how you unfairly blamed it on the Procede.
thank you shiv!

this is what the basic problem on here is, people that post INACCURATE information and corrupt the e90 community with propaganda .

post facts! is what majority of the members on here wanna see!

so thanks again shiv for correcting the false information.
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      09-23-2011, 04:49 PM   #249

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Originally Posted by e30rus View Post
you said quote on quote to want to see TRUE logs!

but yet you had cobb hide your misfire codes.

so you wanna see what you wanna see.

its pretty simple to see the relation in this !

your extended comments bashing procede and shiv have NO relevance in this thread.

with any proced/shiv thread its obvious that your main goal in these threads is to come in here and try to bash and discredit procede and shiv.

When in all truth if shiv made you a tune that hides those codes like cobb did, you would still be running a procede...
Whatever man that makes no sense to me and its cool that it does to you...turning off a diagnostic in the DME doesn't FUCK with your sensor data...all it does is basically not make the DME cut fuel out...go do some googling on misfire detection and fuel cut defeats and educate yourself a bit on the topic then come back...i never said that was "the" solution to the "issue", but its something to get me through until more time is there to come back to it as the car is operating without any power loss issues which are associated with "true" misfires...

What about this, ask Shiv he was up here in Canada for 5 days trying to figure out the misfires all equipment hooked up and we couldn't figure it out and you know what was the one thing he kept saying? I quote: "Its cylinder 5 all the time and I've see some 335s do this and it was just a diagnostically induced misfire, not an actual misfire, and misfires are dealt with by the DME by cutting fuel off so as to save the catalytic converters (which I don't have) and emissions/save the environment (I recycle)...

But whatever, I won't explain this to you again...there's a catastrophe waiting to happen when you're looking at a 11.8-12AFR curve and in reality its a 13AFR curve when you're running big turbos and 20psi, there's absolutely no harm in turning off misfire detection, prove me different
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      09-23-2011, 04:50 PM   #250
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Originally Posted by shiv@vishnu View Post
This is a little disappointing Dzenno. If you took the time to log actual timing and ignition correction with a Rev2, you will IN FACT see that this passive retard shown. It is not hidden. And let's not forget the fact that after adding a Flash+JB4 AND RB turbos, you are still running as fast as you did with stock turbos and a Rev2 Procede last year. If you are happy with things now, great. Plus please don't spread misinformation. You spread enough with your misfire problems and how you unfairly blamed it on the Procede.
This is a little disappointing Shiv. You left out the part where he was on pump gas and used the jb4 to control meth, which wasnt flowing right. He gained roughly 1psi and hit 120 on pump gas with half assed meth flow. I am pretty sure he is happy with a car that targets parameters correctly. But nice try there.
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      09-23-2011, 04:51 PM   #251
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Originally Posted by e30rus View Post
thank you shiv!

this is what the basic problem on here is, people that post INACCURATE information and corrupt the e90 community with propaganda .

post facts! is what majority of the members on here wanna see!

so thanks again shiv for correcting the false information.
You should look up the facts before you speak....
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      09-23-2011, 04:52 PM   #252
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7-29 Autotune map V2.5
92 octane
80/20 meth
68 degree ambient
65 ut
0 ic
All DTC off.
Auto shift at redline

The runs felt good, my gauge showed consistent max 17 psi pulls. I think the log looks OK. Meth flow drop out is air bubbles from loose fitting.
Don't think I hit over 12.5 degrees and post shift action looks and feels good.
Attached Images
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      09-23-2011, 04:53 PM   #253

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Originally Posted by Tzu View Post
Right, and your original sales pitch for the rev3 lacked this info leading everyone to beleive this was possible with a rev2. It wasn't a big deal though becuse instructions for updating the rev2 to a 2.5 (via hardware rework) was going to be posted "next week," stated almost 3 months ago. So until then, my AFR & timing will look like shit. This is admitting that the rev2.5 has control necessary that the rev2 doesnt. Please work on your delivery dates, or don't give dates at all.

Now I'm fine with remapping fuel and ignition on my own using the tables. Yet this is impossible because I own a rev2. I find it odd that you guys shipped me a rev2 the day before you announced the rev3, knowing that I had a PWM kit on order and I was going to lambda tune. I mentioned that to you on purpose.

What I find odd is that the new rev3 is able to do what it does somewhat, based on better hardware. This hardware is based around a processor which for the most part was chosen for its increased duty cycle to perform calculations, sampling frequency, overall speed. Yet the older and slower hardware is still adequate for stock maps, which are the same number of cells adressed, calculations performed, processor I/O. See the logic flaw?
I have said on numerous occasions that a Rev2.5/3 is recommended to run ignition advance under boost. Rev2 can indeed run ignition advance and does so in NA mode if you took the time to log it. But the original Rev2 output driver that replicates the crank signal has a slower rise time than the ones we currently use in Rev2.5/3. Which makes it tricky to shift the crank waveform in the positive direction without running into issues. It's possible but it's not recommended. Add to that the passive retard above 6000rpm and you would end up have to advance even more to compensate.

Also, I'm not sure where you heard otherwise but the Rev3 has the exactly processor as the Rev2. Same clock speed as well. In fact, 99% of the board is identical. The reason the Rev3 has more i/o is because we took the time to consolidate and eliminate unnecessary outputs which freed up some pins on the 32pin connector. Just going to USB, freed up 2 pins in itself. With these extra pins, we could finally make use of more the processor's timed and un-timed digital inputs/outputs. This is why the Rev3, despite having more i/o, can still runs the same firmware/maps as the Rev2. During the redesign, we also took the opportunity to update the ignition output driver as well as replace a few passive components to provide a wider range of AFR adjustability as well as faster edge rises on the crank signal. This is why a Rev2 with a $50 component upgrade will perform IDENTICALLY to a Rev3. The only thing it won't have is the extra i/o and the native USB interface.

Those are the facts. They have not been hidden. They have been stated many times before on this forum.

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      09-23-2011, 04:53 PM   #254

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Originally Posted by shiv@vishnu View Post
This is a little disappointing Dzenno. If you took the time to log actual timing and ignition correction with a Rev2, you will IN FACT see that this passive retard shown. It is not hidden. And let's not forget the fact that after adding a Flash+JB4 AND RB turbos, you are still running as fast as you did with stock turbos and a Rev2 Procede last year. If you are happy with things now, great. Plus please don't spread misinformation. You spread enough with your misfire problems and how you unfairly blamed it on the Procede.
Well actually your post is disappointing. I ran that on a pump gas tune that tapers to 14psi at redline 16psi at 6000rpm and guess how much timing, about 8degrees less than stock. Try setting that up on the procede and see how it turns out I even posted the logs showing this in that thread...yes, a flash based pump gas tune ON PUMP GAS with RB turbos ran quicker and trapped equally as a FULL ON RACE TUNE on the procede with 20psi + race gas+ stock timing and minus the weight of the passenger 60lb seat LOL

Guess what will happen when I run a solid AFR curve I can trust, stock or stock like timing curve on race gas and meth...won't speculate but I can tell you right away it'll be better than your Sac time

...OR my engine will implode LOL

Last edited by dzenno; 09-23-2011 at 04:59 PM..
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      09-23-2011, 04:59 PM   #255

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Originally Posted by dzenno View Post
I've logged many times with IC set to zero with rev2. I can post some logs if you like. Actual ignition advance goes to 14-14.5deg at redline...with 2 deg induced passive retard it shouldn't hit higher than 12.5...what did I miss?
If you took the time to understand instead of posting misinformation, you would know that the older rev2 maps compensated for this passive retard. Not to mention that the DME triggers the spark on the falling edge of the crank tooth, not the rising edge (which is delayed). And the newer maps do that as well. But only up to 6000rpm. Above that, you will see your passive retard. Ask a Rev2 user to post up an Ignition Correction log while running 0% IC and see for yourself.
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      09-23-2011, 05:00 PM   #256

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Originally Posted by dzenno View Post
Well actually your post is disappointing. I ran that on a pump gas tune that tapers to 14psi at redline 16psi at 6000rpm and guess how much timing, about 8degrees less than stock. Try setting that up on the procede and see how it turns out I even posted the logs showing this in that thread...yes, a flash based pump gas tune ON PUMP GAS with RB turbos ran quicker and trapped equally as a FULL ON RACE TUNE on the procede with 20psi + race gas+ stock timing and minus the weight of the passenger 60lb seat LOL

Guess what will happen when I run a solid AFR curve I can trust, stock or stock like timing curve on race gas and meth...won't speculate but I can tell you right away it'll be better than your Sac time

...OR my engine will implode LOL
Did you just compare PSI with 2 different turbo's running at different efficiency?
You know it takes less boost to make the same power on more efficient upgraded turbo's.
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      09-23-2011, 05:01 PM   #257
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As far as i know i never go above 13.5 degrees at max RPM on my Procede.
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      09-23-2011, 05:01 PM   #258

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Originally Posted by e30rus View Post
thank you shiv!

this is what the basic problem on here is, people that post INACCURATE information and corrupt the e90 community with propaganda .

post facts! is what majority of the members on here wanna see!

so thanks again shiv for correcting the false information.
The problem here is that people can't admit when they are wrong. And the funny thing is this thread will not stop here. Some people will need to get the last word in.
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      09-23-2011, 05:06 PM   #259
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Originally Posted by shiv@vishnu View Post
The problem here is that people can't admit when they are wrong. And the funny thing is this thread will not stop here. Some people will need to get the last word in.
Man that is irony at its finest right there.
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      09-23-2011, 05:10 PM   #260

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Originally Posted by shiv@vishnu View Post
If you took the time to understand instead of posting misinformation, you would know that the older rev2 maps compensated for this passive retard. Not to mention that the DME triggers the spark on the falling edge of the crank tooth, not the rising edge (which is delayed). And the newer maps do that as well. But only up to 6000rpm. Above that, you will see your passive retard. Ask a Rev2 user to post up an Ignition Correction log while running 0% IC and see for yourself.
Misinformation? No comment, whatever...

So you're advancing using CPS to compensate for the 2deg passive timing retard between 6 and 7k rpm? This is a first, seriously...so if I'm understanding this now you've always been applying 2deg of active advance in the top end (above 6k rpm) to compensate for the 2deg of passive retard?
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      09-23-2011, 05:11 PM   #261

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Originally Posted by happy4nk8er View Post
7-29 Autotune map V2.5
92 octane
80/20 meth
68 degree ambient
65 ut
0 ic
All DTC off.
Auto shift at redline

The runs felt good, my gauge showed consistent max 17 psi pulls. I think the log looks OK. Meth flow drop out is air bubbles from loose fitting.
Don't think I hit over 12.5 degrees and post shift action looks and feels good.
Looks great. But what are you doing posting actual real-world information here?
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      09-23-2011, 05:14 PM   #262
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Originally Posted by shiv@vishnu View Post
Looks great. But what are you doing posting actual real-world information here?
IDK thought it might be helpful or enlightening or offer a distraction.
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      09-23-2011, 05:15 PM   #263

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Originally Posted by dzenno View Post
Misinformation? No comment, whatever...
Good decision. Oh wait.. here it comes...

So you're advancing using CPS to compensate for the 2deg passive timing retard between 6 and 7k rpm? This is a first, seriously...so if I'm understanding this now you've always been applying 2deg of active advance in the top end (above 6k rpm) to compensate for the 2deg of passive retard?
This is when you should stop posting and start listening. The Procede did not "add advance to compensate". Instead it would anticipate the falling edge from the previous tooth and put the falling edge of the current tooth in the correct place. Once again, the DME triggers timing off the falling edge of the tooth, not the rising. And if you look at the specs of the output driver we use in the Rev2, you'd see that it has a slower rise time. The fall time (to ground) has no such significant delay.

Anything else been bugging you? I'm here to help.
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      09-23-2011, 05:15 PM   #264
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Originally Posted by shiv@vishnu View Post
If you took the time to understand instead of posting misinformation, you would know that the older rev2 maps compensated for this passive retard. Not to mention that the DME triggers the spark on the falling edge of the crank tooth, not the rising edge (which is delayed). And the newer maps do that as well. But only up to 6000rpm. Above that, you will see your passive retard. Ask a Rev2 user to post up an Ignition Correction log while running 0% IC and see for yourself.
I found -1

Ut 70 IC 0

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